BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 41

General Summary

Collective Action settles in for a few drinks at The Marianna, a cozy tavern in Erfu, and engages the proprietor in conversation. They ask about the tavern's history and, more importantly, what she knows of the mysterious Lightshiver family. Unfortunately, she knows little, but the group enjoys the brief respite nonetheless.   With some daylight still left, the party heads back to the High Council building, where they’re pleased to be teleported back to Kureta City at no cost. Upon arriving, they go straight to the palace to collect their magically enhanced horses and a sturdy carriage, ready for their journey south to Watcher’s Keep.   On the road, the party halts for the night. As they settle, they notice a lone stranger traveling on horseback. They call out to him, but the man doesn’t respond. Investigating further, they discover that he is asleep in the saddle. Gently—or not so gently—they help him down and prop him against a tree. The man reeks of alcohol and dirt, carrying no items to easily identify him. His horse is in a pitiful state, close to collapse and wounded from its arduous journey. The adventurers take care of the horse, and after a peaceful night, they sleep soundly under the stars.   Morning brings some answers. The man awakens, seemingly oblivious to how he ended up on the road. When he attempts to mount his horse and continue his journey, Celine senses he is under some magical compulsion. Blair uses their own Magic to compel him to stay for breakfast. Over a hearty meal, the man shares what little he recalls: he had been in Nakaba, instructed to spy on the avatar of Mortona. Groban dispels the magical influence over him, and fragments of his memory return. The man recounts sneaking into the avatar’s residence, only to be captured, have a bag thrown over his head, and cursed to travel without stopping. The horse confirms the story through Roan, explaining that it was people dressed in black who forced the man onto its back.   After thanking the party, the man introduces himself as Riley, grateful for their help. As they pack up their camp and prepare to continue their journey, Riley bids them farewell.   The party soon arrives at Watcher’s Keep, greeted by a young girl behind a portcullis. Kaelen Stoneveil, a fresh-faced recruit, questions them before verifying their identities and allowing them entry. As they step inside, the adventurers feel the sting of dispelling Magic, which immediately strips away Blair’s disguise. With Kaelen escorting them, they’re led into a large hall where three silver-haired, golden-eyed women await.   The leader, Jarna Steelspire, sits upon a stone chair, flanked by Sendai Argrim, the Master of Runes, and a familiar face—Mordaine Blackfeather, Jarna’s ward. Collective Action shares everything they’ve learned about the aboleth, the tunnels, and the arrival of the divine avatars, hoping full disclosure will secure the aid they need.   Jarna listens closely, then offers her own insights. She confirms the Watchers suspect the aboleth lurks in the vast lake beneath Kureta City, making the task of locating the creature quite challenging. Sendai explains that the runes within the tunnels are of aberrational origin, similar to enchantment Magic but with a far more ominous purpose. Though she’s unsure of the circle’s intended use, the sheer scale of the Magic is enough to set them all on edge. The divine avatars, however, remain a mystery, as The Watchers have struggled to gather information. They believe the avatars are somehow able to sense their presence, making direct observation impossible.   Jarna then outlines a plan for collaboration. Scouts have reported that the avatar of Adonia has left Hiku City, accompanied by a group of pilgrims, and they’re headed for the capital. Jarna fears this marks the next phase of some grand, nefarious scheme. With The Watchers unable to get close to the avatar, Jarna asks if Collective Action would consider kidnapping the avatar of Adonia.   The proposal seems outrageous, but Jarna explains that this avatar, unlike others, doesn’t seem to possess significant combat prowess. With careful planning, she believes capturing Adonia could be achievable. The pilgrimage is expected to pass by Watcher’s Keep in three days, providing a narrow window for the party to act. The group formulates a plan for the attempted abduction, with Sendai offering her magical assistance.   One concern remains: their other quest to slay the beast terrorizing Okin. Jarna offers a solution, promising to send some of her Watchers to deal with the beast, freeing the party to focus on capturing Adonia.   With the meeting concluded, Sendai leads the adventurers to her study, where she gathers the necessary components for a ritual to remove the aboleth tattoos that have marked their skin. Well-versed in creatures of the outer planes, Sendai is confident she can banish the tattoos, though she warns that the process will not be without pain or risk.   One by one, the party members endure the ritual, each experiencing searing pain as the marks are purged from their flesh. Some come away with injuries, but all are freed from the tattoos—except Meepo. Try as she might, Sendai cannot remove the tattoo from the Kobold’s arm. She promises to try a new approach in the morning and suggests they all get some rest.
Report Date
06 Sep 2024
Secondary Location
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