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Godric - Darkness Within

A Wil-o-wisp in the Deddo Forest lead Godric to the site where Leah found him as a baby. Once there, it hovered directly above the spot where a stuffed cat toy was found.   Around the site, Godric and Leah discovered a few things:  
  • A knitted blanket - stained with mud, and possibly blood - was buried under dirt and leaves
  • Signs of scorched earth which formed a circle
  • 6 graves in the dirt, at least one of which contained the corpse of a humanoid creature
A Shadow Witch in the Okina Forest claimed that Godric was actually born to a woman who now travels with the witches. This woman's name is "Verana".  

Verana Mavros

  Godric's arrival into the world was not through a summoning ritual, but through natural birth. His mother, Verana Mavros, was a warlock in service to the archdevil Wrath - a deal she had made accidentally in her youth, whilst in a fit of rage. Verana lived in Nakaba at the time, and became pregnant while she was there. Verana had fallen on hard times, and was struggling to keep her head above water.   Her pregnancy was discovered by the researchers in Nakaba's secret lab, who posed as charitable benefactors who could help Verana through the pregnancy, and support her financially during that time. In truth, the researchers were fully aware of Verana's warlock pact with Wrath, and new that she would birth a Tiefling child with the potential to become a weapon.  

The Birth

  When the child was due to be born, the Nakabans took Verana to the Deddo Forest. They had explained that there may be complications with the birth due to her connections to the archdevil, and by performing a ritual in this dark place, they should be able to cleanse the child of any evil that may befall them.   When the night came, the researchers performed a ritual using a grand tome filled with arcane writings. Verana was placed in the centre of a circle as she went into labour, and as the child was delivered, the researchers performed their "blessings".   The birth was successful, and so was the ritual it seemed. The child, a purple-skinned Tiefling, cried out into the cold night air. Verana wrapped the child in a blanket she had made, and cooed at the child, a boy, with a stuffed cat toy she had brought for him.   As the researchers closed in to inspect the child, they soon realised that the Tiefling was purple-skinned; not black as they were expecting. This was a child of Pride, and arrogance was not what they needed. Outraged that they had been lied to, the researchers sought to slay Verana and the child, but they were interrupted. Women dressed in dark clothing emerged from the woodlands, wielding wands and staffs, they bound the researchers of Nakaba with Magic, and slew them with their spells. One of these women approached the cowering warlock, who knelt down in the mud, cradling her child. The woman extended her hand, lifting Verana up. "You are safe now" she said.   The darkly-clad woman, a Shadow Witch, offered Verana a new deal. She could join the witches of the Deddo Forest and learn Magic like no-one else could. She would be safe, and want for nothing. But she could not take the child, as no males were allowed in the coven. Her only other options were to return to Nakaba where she would likely be killed, or run off somewhere else. But with a newborn and her dark past, she knew they would never survive. The sound of breaking twigs nearby caught their attention, and the Shadow Witch cast a spell of invisibility on herself and Verana "perhaps an answer has been chosen for you".   The rest of the witches disappeared into the trees as somebody drew closer. Verana placed the crying child on the ground, invisible tears streaming down her own face, as she and the witch moved into the nearby tree-line. A woman appeared, brightly dressed in the colours of autumn with hair and skin to match. She found the child, and her cat wrapped itself around the babe to keep it warm. Knowing this woman, an Elf, to be a goodly person, Verana whispered to the witch "I will go with you".  
After dealing with the Shadow Witches and witnessing Morgana's ascension, Verana headed into the Tanken Woods to take care of one final favour. She has not returned since.   Leah believes that Verana may have encountered a powerful Fey creature who calls himself "Shinato". Shinato has transformed Verana into a rabbit for her affiliation with the Shadow Witches, who were supposedly serving Shinato's rival. Shinato has promised to return Verana to her true form if the party investigate the Abandoned Tower to the west.

The Aspect of Rage

Something stirs within Godric - a rage that he cannot control. During stressful situations, the party have witnessed something take over the Tiefling. Whatever this entity is, it seems to grant the paladin increases strength and resilience, at the cost of his reason.   The leader of a lycanthrope community in the Manto Woods, recognised this anger within Godric - saying it seemed akin to their own curse. He believes that given time and practice, Godric may be able to tame this beast within, and use it for his own devices.  

The Beast Awakens

  After another violent dream, Godric has accepted whatever the voice within is offering - awakening some new powers...  
After using his new powers for the first time, Godric transformed into a hideous beast, an aspect of pure rage. His new found strength allowed him to rip an Erinyes in half, but at the cost of his self-control. Unable to see straight, Godric viciously attacked Eva, who fell unconscious. Thankfully Godric returned to his senses before any more damage could be done.  
  After undertaking some rigourous training at the Monastery of Stone, Godric has gained more control over his transformation. The leader of the monks, Sunstra, believes that with more training it may be possible to fully control this beast.


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