The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)


Goddess of Light and Beauty

Written by AuthorChase

I will help you guide the people with the light, Knowler. Never forget that.
— Beight


Beight was created by Knowler to assist in building Astnyr as a realm full of life. Nave was created alongside her and they both created the race of the Light Elves. She brought light and beauty by Knowler's side and created the first order of elven paladins and clerics. She built much of Astnyr, assisting ones who wished to build civilizations.  

The Astnyr Pilgramige

Beight by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Beight took many Light Paladins and Healing Clerics with her during the time she built villages in Astnyr. Her first accomplishment was building Craftport, where some stayed while she moved on. She was accompanied by many new carpenters who found their calling with the craft during the building of Craftport. She moved on to build Lover's Retreat just south of Craftport. Afterwards she returned to Hystoria to assist Knowler with guiding Astnyr to prosper.  

Beight's Love Union

Sometime after guiding Knowler towards more emotional empathy and paths for his people, Knowler found himself happiest with Beight by his side. He proposed to her with the bond of marriage with her accepting. She found they were quite compatible together and she wished to keep guiding the people with him. Beight loved the people of Astnyr just as much as Knowler did, so they held a ceremony for them to see the two god's union. Some Druids joined for the festivities, but Nave did not come. Though she sent her regards with the Archdruid who attended. As the goddess of light and love, she showed that to both Knowler and the people.  

The Beginning of More Civilizations

by AuthorChase on Inkarnate
As time went on, Beight helped build even more cities and villages. Nave built Magick Glades on her own, but when Strection and Winter built Ironhammer and Frosthalla, she was right beside them through the process. She traveled back and forth through the mountains, assisting her fellow gods where she could. After the Great War against Lunarius, she built Seaport near his sealed fortress. This was to have a militarized force near the seal, but it turned into the most bustling trade city in Astnyr. Beight accomadated these traders into Seaport, making sure they would be safe in case Lunarius appears again.   When Sonance was created, Beight helped her build Singing Glades. She followed the new god's request of keeping nature free in her building. Beight built with both construction and nature to make it look natural instead of processed. She did the same when Magick Glades needed to be rebuilt, having nature hide the city from future necromancers. Beight was Astnyr's builder and repair woman, making her a crucial part of society as Knowler continued his research.  

Perks and Flaws

Beight has the best emotional health out of all the gods. She guides Knowler this way when it comes to guiding the citizens of Astnyr. However, she usually fails to see the logical stand point on most situations, which Knowler assists her with. With both of them ruling side by side, Astnyr has become healthier and more prosperous for it.  

Animal Form

by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Beight's animal form is the hawk. Hawks are considered to be beautiful creatures, flying with grace. Beight flies through Astnyr as she travels to improve the lives of her citizens. Her favorite places to perch is at Magick Glades' trees. She spends time with Nave and Knowler in equal measure. She finds Knowler in Notta the most when they are not in Hystoria together.
Divine Classification
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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