The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Light Elves

The Oldest of the Realm

Written by AuthorChase

First Species in Astnyr

When Knowler finished exploring Astnyr, ten years after he arrived, he created the Light Elves along with two goddesses. Light Elves are humanoids that are heavily connected to nature and its needs. They were able to assist in building civilization without damaging the nature in the realm. In fact, other animal species are now regulated so they don't overpopulate the land to threaten humanity.

The First Light Paladins and Healing Clerics

Before Beight set off on her building expedition, many elves volunteered to protect her on her journey. She trained these volunteers in the art of holy magic, which attacks as well as aids. The elves chose their specialialities as tanks and healers. The first Light Paladin was Alric Stormarrow and the first Healing Cleric was Lora Woodbow. These two led and taught the recruits as best as they could before they were able to retire.

The First Druid

Korthas Silvermoon was the first druid that trained under Nave. He later became Archdruid, the first Nave appointed. Nave is the only goddess who appointed a second in command in Astnyr, trusting her Archdruids with all of her being.
  Before Korthas was appointed to Archdruid, he was a Life Druid. This was before Beast Druids were ever established. However, times changed and Beast Druids became a necessity. Korthas taught the Life Druid recruits, while Nave taught the Beast Druid recruits. They were all primarily elven until the Humans migrated to Astnyr.

Physical Traits

Light Elves have smooth, muscular bodies as they can handle hard labour and magic. Their thin eyebrows and long eyelashes are signals of their elven nature along with their pointed ears. Their hair colors can be red, blonde, white, blue, and black. Their eyes can be lavender, blue, gold, and brown. Their skin stays fair and they cannot have any other skin color. Light Elves are one of the longest living races of Astralon.

Naming Traditions

Many male names end with -as or -ric, but some did differentiate. The same could be said about female names such as -ia or -a. Many elves had last names that connected with natural sources, such as Silverwind or Moongold.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
400-500 years
Average Height
5-5'5 feet
Average Weight
110-145 lb.

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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