The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Forest Gnomes

A Cheerful People of Song and Nature

Written by AuthorChase

An Inspiration

Sonance by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Sonance explored near Magick Glades before she went to build Singing Glades. There were ancient runes of magic that suggested another civilization in the area. However, this differed from what Knowler discovered so long ago with fire magic. This was something completely historic, a race that differentiated from their own. Even Angels never heard of the fae presence Sonance found.   She consulted the Scholars of Hystoria about this phenomenon, finding they had a connection to Celmani's fae creatures. Sonance was so inspired by this concept that she created her own race with fae-like qualities. The Forest Gnomes inhabited Astnyr from then on.  

The First Song Bard

Faylin Treesong by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Once Sonance established the Bard's Guild, the Song Bards traveled through the region. Even though many races called the Bard's Guild their home, the first Song Bard was a Forest Gnome. His name was Faylin Treesong. His famous ballads echoed through the taverns of Astnyr. However, he refused to work with the military to keep a pureness to his songs, which they respected. Faylin only wanted joy to come from his ballads, not violence and war. The first Pleasure Bard was of a different race.  

Physical Traits

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Forest Gnome skin could vary from blue to green. Nature permeated from their very aura, making them appear as otherworldly beings. Their eyes were not much different from Angels, though the glow was nonexistent. One color took the whole of their eyes over. Some of the most colorful hair came from the Forest Gnomes, ranging from pink, blue, green, white, and purple. Many tones of each color gave the Forest Gnomes their diversity in hair care. Forest Gnomes couldn't grow facial hair, but they were recognizable by their small stature and colorful appearances.  

Naming Traditions

Gnome male's first names usually ended with -in or -on. Female names ended with -in or -an. Gnomish last names were connected with nature and song. Names such as Songwind or Melodsea.
by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Genetic Ancestor(s)
40-60 years
Average Height
2-3 feet
Discovered by

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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