The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Frost Giants

A people who value wisdom and strength

Written by AuthorChase

Giants of the Snowy Mountains

Winter by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Ever since Winter landed in the northern mountains, they were cursed with an eternal winter. Winter thought how their magic affected the land around him, which made it harder to build a civilization. They created a race that could withstand the cold of the all year snow and ice. Frost Giants was what they called them.  

The First Berserker

Dora Snowhailer by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Once the military order of the Snow Guard was established, the first Berserkers guarded Frosthalla. This woman was known as Dora Snowhailer. She was the strongest among the recruits with her intellect and sheer physical strength. Soon enough, she was made Commander of her own squadron within the Snow Guard.  

Physical Traits

by AuthorChase on HeroForge

by AuthorChase on HeroForge

Frost Giants hair could have long, curly or braided white hair. There was also a variation of ice blues that were in their gene pool for hair. However, their eyes and skin stayed the same throughout the Frost Giant clans, even away from the snowy mountains. Their eyes were completely white and their skin ice blue. Both genders had bushy eyebrows, though only males could grow facial hair. Facial hair was usually braided in a way to worship Winter, the god of their clans. Ice tended to cling to their skin as ice crystals on their arms, including ice horns on their jaws. These icicles were not able to melt off no matter the heat. Frost Giants were a muscular, powerful people, who valued wisdom, but was not afraid to fight for their people.  

Naming Traditions

Male first names ended in -o and female names ended in -a. There were no irregularities with this system. Last names were connected to aspects of frost and ice. This could include Snowlancer or Icelander
Genetic Ancestor(s)
250-275 years
Average Height
7-9 feet
Discovered by

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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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