The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Mountain Dwarves

Dwarves of the Forest Mountains

Written by AuthorChase

Crafters of Astnyr

Strection created the Mountain Dwarves before building Ironhammer. Even though there were a few crafters such as Carpenters, Woodsmiths, and Weavers, the Mountain Dwarves started the Crafter's Guild along with adding crafting specialties. These added specialties were Blacksmiths and Jewelsmiths. Mountain Dwarves replaced Light Elves in Justice Paladins, many of the Elves retiring from service.  

First Justice Paladin

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
There were Justice Paladins before this, but the first Dwarven Paladin was a sight to behold. Justlight trained this Mountain Dwarf to uphold the law and protect Astnyr's people. This Paladin's name was Morgin Stormhammer. Morgin became the spark for other Mountain Dwarves to take up the hammer alongside him.   Once the Light Elves retired, Mountain Dwarves took over the order. This turned into a curse rather than a blessing as time went on. Strection ruled the Justice Paladins after his tyranny began, leaving Justlight defenseless. Judging became not as productive once this happened.  

Physical Traits

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Mountain Dwarves were short, but very muscular from working in the forest mountains. Their bushy eyebrows could take over their eyes, but the iris color is still distinguishable. There were distinctions between the two genders regarding facial hair. Males had bottom beards, while females had mustaches. Mountain Dwarf eyes could be brown, blue, and green. Their hair could be curly and braided with the colors brown, black, and red. The skin color was usually fair, but there was some with tanning in their skin from the outdoor work.  

Naming Traditions

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Many male first names ended with -in such as Balin. This became very customary language for Dwarven males. Female names were more variable, such as Fiona or Isadora. Last names symbolized of strength within them. These could include Stroneguard or Hammerfall.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
150-250 years
Average Height
4 feet
Average Weight
160-180 lb.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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