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15 Erathisway 4520: A Day in Oxenhalt

Arkomir writes...
  We wake to the familiar smell of the kitchen of the Serpent & Unicorn Tavern and whilst we wait for Dharra to wake up, Katya and I sharpen weapons and see to tack. We also engage in some sparring out the back of the Tavern to keep reflexes sharp. Katya is facing off with a rapier and a dagger and she certainly has the upper hand on me this morning. It is frustrating, but I take the lesson as just that. Katya will spend the day looking to replenish some arrows and gear and then meet us at the Temple. Dharra eventually comes downstairs a little bleary eyed. We have some breakfast and then we head over to the temple to talk to Essa.
  We head over to the Temple, passing by the statue in the square as we do. At the temple we see Elanil sitting in the central section so we head over and say hello. We enquire as to how she is doing. She is thankful for the events that brought her back and is very happy to see us. She tends to spend a few days in the temple at the moment as Essa has headed over to Belhaim for a few days. They lack any formalised clergy there since the siege and she is helping out. Some of the folk from Belhaim have made the trip over to Oxenhalt as well. Things in Belhaim seem to be going all right but there is still some consternation over the election.
  Dharra heads over to the Moradin Shrine and I head over to the Corellon Shrine to pay my respects. I reach out to Corellon and offer a small prayer. I thank them for keeping me and my friends safe on the road. As I reach out with my mind, I get a sense that Corellon is showing me that darkness is coming but their light might be part of the difference in this coming fight. As I leave, Katya is at the entrance of the shrine. We have a chat about the coming fight and our place in it and she then spends some time in the Corellon shrine as well.
  As we wait for Katya, Dharra and I see Elanil talking to folk in the temple. Before too long though, Katya is finished and we head out of the temple and back into Oxenhalt for the afternoon. We spend a lazy afternoon in Oxenhalt, purchasing some supplies for the road and asking about the road between here and Belhaim. Generally the road seems pretty safe at the moment. Karth escorted Essa to Belhaim.
  In the evening, Dharra plays in the Tavern and we spend a pleasant evening and she certainly hits her stride, performance wise. Elanil and Kuskyn joins us for a while and some of Dharra's songs about The Cleansing Wave are really hitting home tonight. Katya spends some time chatting to Elanil and Kuskyn as well. They seem to find some common ground and offer her some comfort. We head upstairs after a very pleasant evening and have a long rest.


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