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Artefacts and Embassies

Diplomatic action

21/2 7:00

In the morning The LightBringers head to the nearby house to meet the Steelfist Mine Captives from the Steelfist Mine. There they give them some extra coin to allow them to buy food cloth and supplies that those who intend to travel may need.

Turning to head toward the Belhaim Tower they are confronted with the sight of three expanses of mist coalescing into the forms of three people. Esward Moulton is alerted in case this is an attack. The new arrivals turn out to be travellers from Mirellion. Lead by Aleesia Dawnseeker, a priestess of Ioun, they have come to offer to buy Glade's Tower from The LightBringers or Belhaim. Aleesia explains that the site is important to Mirellia, the Eternal Duchess and furthermore, may contain dangerous magic that must be protected from fallign into the wrong hands. After some discussion Aleesia agrees that she and her companions will accompany The Lightbringers and a delegation from Belhaim to visit the site and learn more. Initial agreement being that they will investigate the possibility of establishing an Embassy to Mirellion on Verdant Isle.

The group heads to Verdant Isle, including Esward Moulton, Aleif Infernus, Kugulex, Aleesia and her companions, Thrain Stoneforge, Kaelin Thatch, and Devlin Helmbreaker who has now been offered the job of Guard Captain of Verdant Isle. Thrain has also been offered the job of overseeing reconstruction of the parts of the Isle that require it. Holly Branchwind has also accepted the job of overseeing finances and arrangement for both the Chandlerveil and Verdant Isle.

A tour is given and much interest is taken. With the help of the Tower key that Kezahr left behind, Aleesia and the Lightbringers discover a door to a pocket dimension on the top of the tower. Inside they find many artefacts and books as well as more insight into the lives of Glade and The Cleansing Wave. Again, Aleesia offers significant money just for the Spellbooks in the room. Again, agreement on an embassy is settled upon.

During investigations it soon becomes clear that Lukas is in fact Lok of the Cleansing Wave. Dharra Boulderfoot tries to contact him via Sending, but it fails. Something is blocking the connection.

Related Location
Glade's Tower
Related timelines & articles
LightBringers chronicle