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There are 3 main types of dwarf, and they are rather widespread across Elyria.   The dwarves of Elyria tend to group themselves based on which land mass they reside on rather than which kingdom or society lives on it. They all have similar customs for their hair and beards. Hair can be cut and styled differently depending on life stage and milestones, but the beards are largely left alone as symbols of pride.   The dwarves found on Etis tend to braid their hair and have updos with hair sticks that denote class and status. And if they are an elder or a sage they have jade beads braided into their beards and a jade or gold ring in their hair. (Han Territories )   Unomon dwarves tend to have shorter hair, but their beards have stone and clay beads that represent clans and marital status. They sometimes also paint their faces and often have tattoos. (Hwt-Ka-Ptah and Ile-Ile )   Dryx dwarves tend to wear their hair higher and in tight buns or braids, and they tie feathers into their hair, which are often traded from the topside folks. (Yana Inti and Alo )   Hivarethe dwarves use gold, silver and iron bands carved with their status, class and clan in their hair and as jewellery. They also have beads but theirs are more plain metal or stone, and they don’t ascribe meaning to their beads. It’s more for the metal bands. (The Rikhross , northern Han Territories )   Ostraran dwarves wear circlets in their hair, and usually their clan leaders have circlets that are quite elaborate. They don’t ascribe meaning to their beads either so the beads are purely decorative. (Lievona, Echaea and Cyrene )  

Aegirine Dwarves

[Follow PHB hill dwarves]  

Clinoclase Dwarves

Found around and in the mountains of Etis and Hivarethe, these dwarves are paler than the others, and more resilient in cold weather. (Mountain dwarf, resistance to cold damage)  

Vivianite Dwarves

Vivianite dwarves live rather close to volcanic activity, and as such, they have rather thick skin and are built very tough. They also have special healing crystals that float within their system, given through a coming of age ritual that imbues them with this ability.   Vivianites are the rarest of the dwarf types. The only ones rarer are the duergar.   (Mountain dwarf, feature: Crystalline Healing: Vivianite Dwarves are given a crystal elixir when they come of age, which enabled them to heal themselves more over a short rest. Once every long rest, you can chant a small incantation and gain max healing from your hit dice rolled.)  


The duergar are dwarves with dark grey-ashy skin and grey or white hair. Their eyes are also often a pearly white, lacking pupils. The duergar used to have their own stronghold in the underdark, but have since joined the Drow kingdom of Xukuth after their numbers dwindled.


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