Session 57 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 57 Report

General Summary

His name was Savion Winter. He was a paladin in service to Solis, God of the Sun, and a member of the Order of the Cleansing Flame. He asked to see Auren Sylynn, and when Titta Morco claimed he was not there, Savion informed her that he saw him enter the building with the rest of the group. Ultimately, they all sat down in the meeting room to a discussion.   Savion explained some of the origin of Beldryss, the Mother of Bones. A thousand years ago, she had killed all her family, save her infant son, Thulbar, and infused the essence of her soul into his blood during her foul ritual to attain lichdom. She bred the child to proliferate the bloodline. He was eventually rescued from this life and rehabilitated by the church of Solis. Then Thulbar founded the Order of the Cleansing Flame, intent on destroying his mother. To do this, he knew he had to destroy all his offspring. Thulbar had communed with Solis receiving the god’s guarantee that any victims who swore their allegiance to Solis before willingly taking their own lives or sacrificing themselves to the church would be taken to Brighthome in the afterlife to bask in the Shining God’s light for all eternity. Savion implored Auren to swear to Solis and do what must be done. Eternal warmth and light in Brighthome would be his reward.   Auren then told Savion that Beldryss had made a clone of him with her magic. The paladin then understood that Auren’s death would further complicate matters. He would awaken in the clone body and surely Beldryss would hide him away where they might never find him. He promised the Order of the Cleansing Flame would search for Beldryss and the clone, and after the clone was destroyed and no other contingencies were left, they would revisit this conversation. He told Haymin’s Heroes they could reach out to him at the Temple of the Righteous Fire in Grenace, Kainan. And he promised he would share any information the order might find with them as well.   After Savion departed, Auren needed some time alone. The party decided to relax in town for a week or so before setting out towards Bright River, something they have been meaning to do but kept putting off. Now it seemed like a welcome distraction.   On October 14, 498 AV, they celebrated Belpher Burrows’s birthday. They cooked dinner and a cake for him and enjoyed a night in good company. That brought up the question of Patch’s birthday. Unfortunately, he did not know it himself. They decided on June 8 to be his birthday. That was the day they had first met him in Luthia.   On October 15, 498 AV, a girl named Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone came to Heroes for Hire, looking for Haymin Stone. She claimed he was her father. Belpher informed the girl that Haymin was no longer with them and that Haymin’s Heroes had inherited the guild. Titta invited Kyrie inside and they got to know her a little more.   Kyrie’s mother had met Haymin years ago and had a short-lived romance with him in York. Kyrie was the result of this romance. Haymin, being the adventurer that he was moved never knowing he was a father. Kyrie had never met him, and her mother told her that he had never returned. In fact, she had only learned the identity of her father on her 18th birthday, last year. Since then she had desired to meet him and had now finally made the journey to Rowadin.   Kyrie was a cleric of Viribus, God of Valor. She offered her services to the party, hoping to carry on her father’s tradition of adventuring and heroism. The party told her of Haymin’s demise and shared with her some stories of their own adventures. And they warned her of their enemies. Kyrie was undeterred and wanted to help combat these evils. They offered her a place in the party, welcoming her divine abilities to the group. Then at her request, they gave her a moment alone with the urn containing Haymin’s ashes.   From the other room, they heard Kyrie reading out a letter her mother had given her to take to Haymin. In reading it, she learned Haymin had indeed returned years later to York, but did not seem to recognize her mother. The letter mentioned the song her mother was singing when her water broke and how she named her daughter after the song’s title. Haymin had taught her that song during their three-day fling. Kyrie then placed the letter on the mantle next to the urn, wiped her tears, and rejoined the party.   They gave her a tour of Heroes for Hire and showed her to her room. She settled in and they all spent the rest of the day getting to know each other more. At some point, Auren pulled Titta aside and discussed how they would inform Jenivar Albyn. They decided to do it the next day by inviting her over for dinner.   Dinner, on October 16, 498 AV, was awkward. Jenivar was surprised to meet Haymin’s daughter. They shared polite conversation and some drinks afterwards in the sitting room. Jenivar noticed the letter next to the urn and read it. She then commented on how Kyrie’s mother was sweet, and how Haymin was a terrible singer.   For the next few days, Haymin’s Heroes relaxed and prepped for their upcoming journey. They had left a message for Arnell Devons at the Grim Forester, and on October 19, 498 AV, he came to see them. He presented Mogi Delvin with a Weather Eye Brooch, who finally felt he was ready to accept it. Arnell also noted their new party member and asked Titta to observe her and, if she felt she was worthy, she could vouch for her should she wish to join the Vigil as well.   On October 20, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes set off from Rowadin on their journey to Bright River, Oathendale.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
17 Jul 2021


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