Session 97 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 97 Report

General Summary

The next morning, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone prayed to Viribus, God of Valor, for the magic to seal the gate. With the god’s blessing, she attempted the casting of the Elder Sign spell. It took two attempts to achieve success, closing the gate and placing the Elder Sign back on the stone wall where it once stood.   After they were done with the gate, Haymin’s Heroes decided to investigate the local villages and towns for any information on who might have originally placed the Elder Sign in the cave. The whole party went along, including Selia Roselyn Maxwell, who thought it best to let her father take Vanimelda home so she could rest and recover from her ordeal. They spent some days searching south of the Alcor Mountains, visiting numerous communities. They leaned various tidbits of information, verses in nursery rhymes, old legends and tales, that might have been related to Cthulhu in some way. Mentions of the Elder Order, druids that worshipped Pontus, God of the Sea, turned their focus to villages near lakes and rivers as they headed west towards the coast. Eventually, they turned their search to the wilderness in search of the elusive druid order.   On September 9, 499 AV, the party found themselves on the beach staring into the sea when a woman seemed to materialize out of the waves. She approached and began speaking with them. Her name was Grinlaryn and she was a druid of the Pontian Order, descendents of the Elder Order which was now defunct. Haymin’s Heroes informed her of the gate they had closed and the Elder Sign now in place there. Together, they all returned to the mine via a Greater Teleport spell by Selia. After inspecting it, Grinlaryn stated she would speak to her order about the Elder Sign and its implications. She bid the party farewell, then transformed into an eagle and flew away to the west.   Haymin’s Heroes then decided to return to Falfar so Selia could spend some time with her family. But before they teleported away, they saw what appeared like a shooting star come through the clouds and soar across the sky towards the east at a steady pace. They watched it until it disappeared over the horizon.   For the next few days, they enjoyed the Maxwell’s hospitality and took in the sights of Falfar, South Durman. On September 11, 499 AV, Haymin Stone sent them a message through the Sending Stones of a mage named Gravin Kine who came asking for them. The next day he mentioned that Gravin Kine was staying at the Green Dragon Inn.   They planned on returning to Rowadin on the afternoon of September 13, 499 AV, the day before Jenivar Albyn’s birthday. On the morning of the 13th, Falfar was abuzz with the news of visitors from the stars that came to Kainan on flying ships. Haymin’s Heroes knew it had something to do with what they had found beneath Terra’s Wall. After lunch, they said their goodbyes to Selia’s family and returned to Rowadin as planned.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
24 Aug 2022


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