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Parth Galen Farming Communities

A collection of small, peaceful communities with large farms and well-kept groves, Parth Galen is considered the home of Halflings. Situated on the Golden Steppe and the Toruga Basin the country is lush and bountiful with more farmland and grazing pastures than anyone knows what to do with.


To describe an organizational structure there must first be one, and there most certainly is nothing like that in Parth Galen. There is no Halfling royalty or nobility, no capital city, no kingdom, honestly there isn't much civilization there to begin with. What is present are small communities that might form something similar to a village. Nearby families work in concert with each other to ensure the best for everyone, and that might be the closest thing to official diplomacy present there.


Halfling communities are tightly knit groups typically comprised of several smaller families or a very large family, and younger generations look primarily to their family elders to guide them. This focus on bloodlines enabled halfling traditions to continue for millennia relatively intact. Halflings also valued a sense of community; halflings naming each other "halfling" was a salute of brotherhood. In many cases members of the community can tell you every member of their family tree going back hundreds of years if not more, and can explain in great detail how they're distantly related to a different halfling you may have met many miles and years ago.
Some halfling communities travel as a way of life, driving wagons or guiding boats from place to place and maintaining no permanent home. These communities serve a great purpose in the larger community as traders that import and export items around the country.


At the beginning of the First Anointed Crusade by the Myrdin Empire in the year 723 ME many of the families that lived in these lands feared the impending army that would march over their hills and subjugate them. To find a solution elders from over 100 families held a meeting where it was decided that they would send a representative to the Eldamar Kingdom to ask for protection, that person was Olivea Ravenheart. She was a known friend of the Eldar and made her way to Imlad-en-Anduin to plead with their king. In the end she was successful and the Eldar placed Parth Galen under their protection, and to this day they have not forgotten their promise.
  In honor of her the Eldar named a city close to their shared border Quácóre which translates to Raven Heart. This town is the major nexus by which the Eldar and the people of Parth Galen interact. On the halfling side the only settlement that could potentially be called a city was named Olivea after her.

Demography and Population

Most of the population of the area are halflings not to say that there aren't other races residing on the plains. On the western border with the Lamina Kingdom there is a sizable population of Mousefolk, Harengon, and many other fey related races. Most of them are farmers or traders taking after the quiet lifestyle of Parth Galen, and in a few scattered places you may find family farms of orcs, humans, and the Eldar.

Foreign Relations

Diplomacy Diagram not available
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
lit. "Green Sward", Hinland
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


The Eldamar Kingdom protects Parth Galen from monsters and invasion in exchange for trade and trade routes to the Lamina Kingdom.

Ally and Trade Partners

Parth Galen regularly trades with the Lamina Kingdom and the relationship bolsters both countries.

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