Ambrose Syltharis

King Ambrose Syltharis

Ambrose Neutral

Divine Descendant
Mixed Eluzian
Royal, King of
Kingdom of Accia
49 years
Acting sovereign of
the Kingdom of Accia
Infantry Division
Close Combatant
Midrange Combatant
Chain Weapons


Vokda's Aura
With Vokda's Aura, Ambrose is able to generate or summon void from Vokda's Plane. This can be in the form of a void pocket akin to the void of space, it can be used to generate void shield to protect themselves or to create void blades. Shields and weapons eat up energy more quickly but these casters are also immune to damage or inconvenince from naturally occuring or magical void.
Vokda's Touch
Using Vokda's Touch, he is able to expand the void, the emptyness, between materials via touch, separating matter on a molecular level and violently disintigrating what they touch. The longer they maintain contact, the more pervasive the effect. Ambrose has even learned how to project this ability into his weapons!

Ambrose is the current king of the Kingdom of Accia, based in Eluziar, and he descends from the line stretching all the way back to the original hero who defeated the Erlithmanil, Accia Syltharis, and the family matriarch Sylthari. More recently in his family history, his ancestor began the Kingdom of Accia's goal of unifying the world under their kingdom. While technically an empire, they still refer to it as a kingdom and to Ambrose as a king. The Ten Houses are unified under his command.


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Emerald Green
Black hair at mid-lenth and
a neat beard
with some gray

As appearance is important for a man of his position, he is always well groomed and well dressed. He is quite tall and intimidating, carrying himself with an immense presence. He demands respect with the slightest glance, his facade rarely cracking. When he looks at someone, there is a natural expectance for respect and compliance.


Ambrose grew up and began service during a very difficult time in the kingdom. The campaign in Yaxiya was wracking up heavy casualties, especially for those in the aerial division. Ambrose was close friends with Martin Stahlmann and Allen Minx. Allen's family was facing extreme losses. However, Ambrose is a fierce believer in the kingdom's vision for the future and strived to become the King they needed to see it through. This is something he and Allen shared, both pushing themselves to extremes to become who they believed their kingdom and their family needed. Ambrose was even in a relationship with Allen's sister, Iris, for some time until she died protecting him. He never overcame this loss. He, Allen and Martin grew colder and more determined with every loss and pushed their way through the continent, cutting off supplies and food from Yanjing territory by territory. Yet when an epidemic swept the city of Accia, taking the lives of both his and Allen's father, he was forced to return to the capital and take up the throne, leaving his comrades to fight without him.

It was in this position, watching his friends and subjects struggle, that Ghislaine Webb made his way into Ambrose's court. Ghislaine possessed a rare and strange magic which allows him to peek into Irkath's Plane to glean secrets and visions. Ghislaine proved himself useful, time after time, as his visions and predictions led Martin and Allen to victory--or at least it seemed this way as far as Ambrose could tell. This odd arrangement secured Ghislaine a position as his advisor and Ambrose grew to rely on him heavily. This also slowly cultivated an awe and interest in dark magic, as both Ambrose himself and Martin possessed dark magic as well. After the eventual victory over Zhongguo and the Si Xiang, Accia swept across most of Yaxiya with the combined efforts of Ghislaine, Martin and Allen. However, Allen was never the same after the losses he suffered in that final battle. He was hesitant to send Allen away to Nippon but knew Allen needed to get away for any chance to heal. He never expected his once closest friend would be gone for nearly twenty years.

Goals and Motivation

As the years flew by and Ambrose continued spreading the kingdom over every corner of their known world, his fascination with the dark magic making his goals possible continued to grow. Ghislaine, Martin, and various other dark casters gained the endorsement of the crown for their secret society, the King's Shadows. Members of this society were a collection of the rarest and most skilled dark magic casterrs in the kingdom. Ambrose, for a period of time, believed he truly would be the one to see his family's ambition to completion--after all, who else had made such sacrifices or fought as hard as he? Unfortunately, he soon came to realize that while he could taste and see that dream before him, he lacked the time to see it through--it would not be him but likely his son who would see it. His son who he believes could never sacrifice as much as he had, who was too soft.

Ambrose became more bitter as he began setting up a future for his son and began to see the effects of age touch him. Bitter and desperate, he turned to his Shadows and to Ghislaine to find a way to secure himself more time. He began an obsession with and desire for immortality so that he could be the one to see his ambition through. Ghislaine brought to his attention the existence of shape shifters--a reviled and mysterious race most believe to be myth or folklore. These beings possess a peculiar form of immortality and raw elemental power. Ghislaine's visions suggested Ambrose was destined not to become just any shape shifter either, he foresaw the King taking on the ultimate immortality and power--becoming Zalikar's Host, the Dark King himself! Who could possibly be a better host, Ghislaine reasoned, than Zalikar's own blood descendant, one who admired and embodied the best of the dark one's qualities. And who better to rule the world than the host of the king of elements. This became Ambrose's deepest and most delusional desire.


Aldric Hesitant

Ambrose's wife recently passed away, leaving Ambrose with his two children Abigail and Aldric. Aldric is his current heir yet Ambrose has begun to resent his so, so much so that it is a relief to Ambrose when Aldric is recruited into the Accian Training Progam. While Ambrose adores his daughter, Aldric is totally unaware of his father's resentment and believes the recent cold shoulder is a sign his father readying to place more responsibility onto his shoulders. But instead, Ambrose sees his son as weak, sentimental and far too soft and altruistic to possibly live up to the role of king. He places unrealistic expectations upon Aldric and becomes harshly critical of even Aldric's appearance--he forces Aldric to wear an enchanted ring which alters his appearance to be more "princely" and "handsome". He surrounds Aldric with the royalty from their many territories, expecting to marry Aldric off diplomatically while maintaining the throne after gaining immortality. His son is an embittered piece on the board for his gain, wholly unaware of his father's true intentions. Only Princess Abigail holds a special, sentimental position in his heart.


Allen Smirk

As events unfold and loyalties are tested or even broken, Ambrose loses himself further and further into his ambition for immortality. He crosses line after line as the possibility of eternity dances just out of his reach. He becomes hasty, ruthless and heartless even to his once closest allies. This pursuit consumes him entirely, going so far as to harm and throw away lives of those once precious to him. Eventually, even Aldric loses faith in his father and Martin, referred to as the King's Blade as he is Ambrose's loyal right hand, questions his actions and sanity. And Ghislaine, all the while, feeds into his delusions.


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