Baahir Ilnidhotep

Baahir Ilnidhotep

Divine Descendant
Masr, Kemet
Ahl al-Bayt
17 years
Ranged Division
Control Division
Infantry Division
Full Ranged Combatant
Control Support
Enchanted Staff[ (Heka Crook)
Flail (Nekhakha Flail)
Mace Axe (Mesack)

Ilnid's Body
With Ilnid's Body, Baahir is able to totally convert his entire body into glass, quartz or sand. He can maintain a human shape or abandon it, melding with any of these materials in his environment, travel along it and reform elsewhere. Alternately, he can shatter into innumerable shards of glass or loose sand and travel in a given direction
before reforming elsewhere. Anything which destroys his glass shards or sand will translate to lost flesh when he reforms but further breaking or melting these shards doesn't do him any harm. His many pieces simply merge back together, so long as none is missing. He cannot be harmed by Ilnid magic or natural materials such as sand, glass and quartz. This is considered the ultimate manifestation one can inherit from Ilnid, unlocked to its fullest potential as Baahir is a direct child of this Aethid, a first generation divine descendant.
Ilnid's Manipulation
Ilnid's Manipulation allows Baahir to manipulate, reshape and control sand, quartz and glass present in his environment. He can freely reshape, direct, attract and repel these materials, directing them with waves of his hands, and isn't shy of using this manipulation on glass or sand from his own body!

Baahir is one of several royal recruits placed onto Unit C210 alongside Prince Aldric Syltharis. Baahir is also one of many children of the Aethid Ilnid, taking up the surname Ilnidhotep like the rest of Ahl al-Bayt, Ilnid's court. The Kingdom of Accia has drawn up an alliance with Ilnid and his Khalifah al-Rasul. The kingdom's largest demand in this alliance requires military service from all of Ilnid's citizens, from every background. Baahir has been sent by his father to train within the Accian Military Training Program, form alliances and eventually serve in the Accian Military, regularly reporting back about his experiences. Feeling things out, Ilnid has pushed off any largescale commitments until his son has finished service. Beneath his polite, contemplative front, Baahir knows he is meant to forge a working relationship with Prince Aldric and to aid his father in understand the kingdom from the inside. He gathers intel bit by bit about the inner workings of the program, their structure and about Accian politics. He is subtle and patient, knowing fully that if he pushes his activities too far, that if he is too agressive or if their treaty falls apart, his life may be forfeit—quite a bit of pressure for a teenager!

Like most of his people, Baahir believes his father is a mala'ik, an angel, who speaks for their god Allah (Luxis). Baahir also believes himself partially divine, even if diluted by human blood, and grew up in an environment where he was revered by his community as an agent of law and order. He is a devoted follower of Islam al'Rasul but does not broadcast his faith in foreign lands. He will gladly speak of his beliefs if asked and is silently judging every strange custom or breach of tradition, from his own perspective, but is careful not to reveal too much about his father or home. He is reserved and respectful by nature, hopeful that his efforts may result in a true alliance between Accia and the caliphates but never letting go of his cynicism as Accia and his father have been at war for centuries. Despite his reservations and the occasional exposure of his unrelenting judgement, Baahir comes to admire many things about Accia and hopes one day his father and siblings have the oppotunity to enjoy it freely. Before sending him away, Ilnid had spoken briefly with Baahir of his time in early Accia, when he was a child, and knows his father yearns to walk the city again. Baahir always holds Ilnid above all others and keeps the interest of his father and Allah above his own. After all, out of all of Ilnid's children, his father chose Baahir for his unflappable composure, loyalty and steady faith in the cultures and values of his homeland.

Combat Style

Baahir is highly adaptable in regards to combat. He can fight at any range whether this is close, mid or long range, while still being quite mobile. Capable of surprising damage, Baahir most prefers a long range and as he is a first generation Divine Descendant, he has plenty of energy to spare. Before departing from Kemet, he was bequeathed a heqa sceptor, shaped like a shepherd's crook, which has been enchanted to tear open portals into Ilnid's Plane wherever he pleases. These can either pour out sand for him to manipulate or allow him to slip into and out of Ilnid's Plane as needed. Otherwise, Baahir carries simple wooden handles on his belt to which he regularly attaches his glass weapons, manipulating glass and sand to his whim thanks to his Manipulation manifestation. Completing the phaoronic regalia to pair with the heqa sceptor, Baahir most often creates nekhekh flails of sharp glass. These can be used at close and mid range to shred opponents or Baahir can sling these shards across the battlefield with each whipping motion, carefully controlling their trajectory. Other weapons he may construct include khobesh swords, Masriyyin mace-axes and javelins.

Aside from his glass weaponry and enchanted sceptor, many enemies make the mistake of believing Baahir delicate. But while his body is indeed made of glass and easy to shatter, this doesn't mean breaking him apart does him any real damage. In fact, Baahir is known to shatter his own body apart into sand or innumerable shards of glass when hit or when travelling about the battlefield, capable of reforming once all of his pieces come back together. So long as the integrity of each individual grain of sand is intact, and so long as he gathers all of his pieces, Baahir suffers no real injury even if shattering unwillingly is unpleasant. Even melting can be repaired, as glass cools quickly, however painful the heat can become. This isn't to say Baahir is invulnerable but he certainly has incredible adaptability and his weaknesses are hard for the average person to identify. So long as he keeps his head and keeps his weaknesses to himself, most in the training program have come to regard him as invincible and an unfavorable foe to face!


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Hazlenut Brown
and Curly
Warm Almond
Baahir is tall and lean, not particularly muscular compared to other warriors. He has a narrow but elegant face with bluegreen eyes, an almond complexion and hazlenut hair. He dresses well in rich fabrics, as one might expect of a royal from Kemet, often giving off the scent of aromatic oils. In his magic form, his entire body consists of translucent glass! The majority of the time, Baahir enjoys taking up a dramatic appearance which is a mixture of both flesh and glass. In his form, his hair disappears leaving his skull clear and translucent.


Baahir is one of many children of Ilnid himself and a member of Ahl al-Bayt, Ilnid's court. Ahl al-Bayt has a peculiar mix of both Masriyyin and Arabiyy culture which prop up Ilnid as a mala'ik (angel) and rasul (divine messenger). Many followers of Islam al'Rasul look to Ilnid and his descendants as rulers and religious figureheads, believing only these individuals can guide them towards the correct path, Allah's path. In Kemet especially, where Baahir was raised, the beliefs and myths of Islam al-Rasul have assimilated the Netjer Pesedjet into their faith, the Masriyyin pantheon which they now view as not gods but angels and demons. Within the palaces of Masr, these beliefs are pure fact and reality, totally insulated from any who might question them.

Baahir grew up being treated as divine, as superior to the ordinary human. Yet he was also raised to behave as a pinacle of piety, law and order. Baahir and his brothers are trained from a young age to eventually become Wazir, political leaders within Khalifah al-Rasul, and given an advanced muslim education. All of Ilnid's children strive to gain their father's attention and approval, loyal to a fault and placing his desires before their own. While there are certainly selfish and ambitious sons within the mix, there is nothing any of them prize more than their father's favor. The only figure higher inBaahir's mind is Allah but, according to his faith, there is no conflict between these interests as his father is Allah's messenger on Emynea. This is at the heart of why Baahir was chosen over his siblings, even those of the same age. His faith and loyalty are unshakeable and he has a shrewd mind, cautious nature and ample patience for his delicate task. There is next to nothing Baahir will not do in the interests of his father and for his fellow muslims.


Baahir is often surprised by some of the qualities of the peers which surround him, having epected no kindness is foreign lands. He is surprised by Aldric's considerate nature, horrified by Eshana's prolific behavior, admires Martia's and Makeda's dedication and is mystified by Zetian and Yul's entirely unfamiliar cultures. He is especially surprised by the warmth and fascination of Adamantia who draws closer and closer to him. She has a genuine interest in his craftsmanship and is endlessly friendly towards him without any reservation for who he is. In his spare time, Baahir enjoys creating unique bobbles and charms out of glass which quickly drew the fascination of Adamantia and her friend Grusha. Baahir even develops feelings for Ada but makes every effort to stifle them, worried about becoming distracted or breaking from the courtship traditions of his culture. Especially amid the Arabiyy, marriages are formally arranged between families and rely on their community and elders when choosing an appropriate match. Otherwise, Baahir socializes mainly with his unit-mates from Unit C210and gathers intel.


Baahir is a member of Ilnid's court, Ahl al-Bayt, and is in fact Ilnid's direct son. This makes Ylithuum and Rylis his grandparents! Yet he is one of many. Ilnid has many wives and many children, the political system of Khalifah al-Rasul dependant on his children as leaders. Within a careful structure, his children constantly compete with each other for his attention and aproval, for his favor. They have even been known to war with each other as Khalifah in the long course of their history. It is only the greater threat of outside power which has unified all of the Khalifah and all members of Ahl al-Bayt together, though that isn't to say there haven't been any internal quarrelling and competition. Unlike his brother, Ralgotar, Ilnid isn't always impressed by simple shows of force or power between his descendants—he is more impressed by social order and the maintenance of traditional lifestyles among his territories. Baahir is still far too young for this level of politics and is instead thrilled and humbled to have his own mission, directly from his father. Few of his siblings receive the same opportunity or critical of a role.



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