
One of the Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia and one with a steady position. Their family possesses a rare and complex racial magic, Lithyr's Form, which allows them to bond to and share the characteristics of a given plant—roses to be specific. This is very similar to an animal familiar but, as their actual racial magic, the bond runs much deeper. A few generations back they also added another strong form to their bloodline: Torith's Craft. This allows them to create unique poisons with varying effects. Together, this has established them as the unrivaled leaders of the Special Division for generations and, for those with the skill and predilection, even healers. They rule over the eastern portion of the Eluzian Valley.   This House has always been at the side of the Syltharis royal line, always their closest ally, but also possess strong alliances with a number of Houses thanks to their trade position. They also control the primary gate of the kingdom, the port city which oversees the bulk of trade with the outside world. Because of this, they have a strong relationship with both the Cel Tradats, who provide winged and draconic soldiers to guard the port and with the Scylla who both facilitate and oversee trade and guard the eastern seas themselves. Their primary trade partner, aside from Yaxiya to the east, comes in from the Morozovs, shipping their ores and lumber primarily by sea rather than over the perilous peaks of the Burnished Spine and with the Sea Isles themselves. The only House they have anything akin to rivalry with is the Chevalier and somewhat with the Stahlmanns, competing agriculturally. In particular, the Espina have an interest in horse breeding which competes with the interest of the Chevalier, otherwise focusing on the growth of herbs and magic flowers for medicine and material magic. Their current House Heir is Florio Espina, the closest friend of Prince Aldric Syltharis.

The Espina originally  resided in the southeastern portion of the Eluzian Valley. After fierce competition before the re-founding of the kingdom, they wrestled full control of the eastern valley away from their northern neighbors by siding with the Syltharis king who re-founded the kingdom 200 years prior. They were the first to do so. Despite the political ebb and flow of the kingdom since then, they have remained the closest ally to the royal family but this is also because the crown has their own personal chokehold on the family, making it impossible for them to betray them. Thanks to their rare form, their lives are tied to the very flowers they bond to at birth and these flowers are planted within the royal garden. They were gifted to the royal family as a show of faith and vow of fealty, solidifying their position and placing their lives in the royal family's hands.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


Both of these families and the regions they control rely on each other extensively. The Espina control the port town and the gates to the the valley itself while the Scylla oversee, facilitate and actively protect the nautical trade routes of the eastern coast. This is a beating heart of the kingdom, which is such an agricultural powerhouse.


These two families greatly rely on each other and have excellent alliances. The Cel Tradats offer stalwart protection of their port city in return for beneficial trade deals. Both of these families are also close to the royal family, both Ambrose and Aldric, and play active, stable roles within the political sphere.


Both of these families and the regions they control rely on each other extensively much like with the Scylla. The Morozov control the mines which supply Accia with most of its ore and lumber. The Scylla act as an intermediary between these two, transporting and guarding the trade of goods between these two regions. The Morozov rely on the Espina and various other agricultural producers in the valley, the Espina acting as the point of trade making sure all parties receive what they need and is a vital point of trade the whole kingdom relies on to function fully. This trade only flourishes further as the kingdom continues its conquest.


These two families see a lot of trade with each other, especially by sea, though they aren't quite as close as the Cel Tradats are with this House. Much of the kingdom's wool production comes from the Chain while many dyes find their source from the Espina's lands, both leaning on each other in textile supply and production. Both of these houses have a long history of ardent loyalty to the crown as well, both among the original families which allied with the crown. This is a healthy alliance.


This is a far more open rivalry/competition as both of these region compete with each other in regard to animal husbandry. The Espina House has a love for and claim to raising the best horses, stepping on the toes of the Chevalier which claim to be the ultimate beast handlers, especially mammals. However, their other agricultural interests don't tend to align, the Espina focusing on medicinal herbs and flowers over other product. Either way, their relationship has only become more tenuous as the Chevalier's animal abuse has received more attention, earning the ire of the Espina as well as the Scylla.


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