Navinna DaVille

Sister Navinna - DaVille

Navinna is the sister of Morthain and Etienne. She is also the nanny and guardian over Morthains only son, Morthain. She is a nun and part of the Daughters of the eternal light, were she is an advocate for armed sisters. She always carries a mace with her and wields it well.   She loves her ward and will go to great length to defend him, even if it means going up against her brother Etienne.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well trained body and in good pysical condition.

Facial Features

A very nondescript face which seems calm and relaxeed. She seldoms shows any bad feelings with her face.

Physical quirks

Loads of old healed scars on her back from her flaggelant years.

Special abilities

She has enhanced abilities to withstand magic which affects her mind.

Apparel & Accessories

A well made mace.

Specialized Equipment

A enchanted holy symbol which cast Light E3 when some one holds it up and says: Etins light.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Very pious from youth Had a good relations with the former count and bad relation with Etienne.   Grave sin When in monastary had some year of flagellation to atone from her sin (her choice)


She have had a long history in the monastary where she have tended to the sick and infirm. When her beloved brothers only child was born in much distress and sick, she moved back to the castle to nurtured him and his mother when needed. She is a combination of nanny, caretaker and bodyguard.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a nun and well versed in healing she have traveled a lot in her service of her order and become a staunch believer that her order should have armed members. Both to protect themselves, but also those in their ward. As such she have become a competent wielder of her mace, which she carries in her belt.

Failures & Embarrassments

When she was in her late teens and early 20th she was an vain, arrogant and selfish young woman, filled of her own importance and strong religion. One day when she was on her way to the temple she noticed that a horse were not properly fastened to a pole. She could have easily fastened the handle to secure the horse, but she considered it beneath he stature and she was on her way to pray to Etin after all. Shortly after she passed the horse got startled and panicked down the street she was going. She managed to get out of the way, but a small deaf child never noticed the hore and got trampled severely and died in front of Navinnas eyes. She got blood and brains in her hair which dripped down on her face. The young women got scarred for life and realised she had broken Etins tenents and was sinner.   When she came home she came home she shaved off her hair, which up to then had been er pride and joy, swearing to Etin that she would not let it grow again. Within a couple of dys she left for a monestary where she joined the order of Etins daughters of te eternal light. The first year she was a shattered and broken person and she flagellated herself many nights. Eventually she became content and acceptant of her sin.

Mental Trauma

She still carries with her the responsibiliy for the death o the child and a feeling she let Etin down. She handles it by being a nurturing person whom have spend much time in the sick ward, especially when there are sick children there.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is not super smart, but she isnĀ“t stupid either. As she is a full time believer she can be simple minded and rather than trying to find a solution she prays and waits for Etin to show her the solution.

Personality Characteristics


The teachings of Odo is her guiding light. Keeping her nephem Morthain alive and help raise him to become a good count.


Religious Views

She is a very pious individual and are part of a monastic order. The order is very focused on healing and nuturing the sick and wounded.


Morthain Da Ville D:O


Towards Navinna DaVille


Navinna DaVille


Towards Morthain Da Ville D:O


Etienne Da Ville

Brother (Important)

Towards Navinna DaVille


Navinna DaVille

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Etienne Da Ville


Navinna DaVille


Towards Morthain Da Ville


Morthain Da Ville


Towards Navinna DaVille


Navinna DaVille

Sister in law

Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville

Sister in law

Towards Navinna DaVille


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The most used is Sister as she is a part of a monestic order, but in the mundane world her title would be lady.
Etienne Da Ville (Brother)
Dark brown
She keeps her head clean shaved. Her natural colour were brown but now it is grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Copper tan
169 cm
65 kg
The shining path
Other Affiliations