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Lord of the Underworld

Lord Hades (a.k.a. Pluto)

Hades, Sometimes referred to as "Pluto", Is the Olympian god of the underworld. Ruling over the realm of the same name, He has been in charge of maintaining the realm for over 10,000 years.   Born in The Abyss as a part of the first batch of gods, Ahriman soon told Hades that he, Zeus and Poseidon were to be family, Brothers. He accepted this, But over the years the relationship between them soured rapidly. Few hundred years later, He was also told that he would be the sole inheritor for one of the five hells, A decision that he still resents to this day. In modern day, Hades actively hates his brothers, Preferring to stay in the underworld rather than speak with them. The only time he goes to Olympus is to participate in the Olympian Reunion.   The only thing he doesn't regret is meeting his wife, Persephone. She is the only reason Hades has any joy in existence anymore. He visits her often, Whenever there is free time.   He often sits, Contemplating his life. And while he may never be able to have a life outside of his realm, He feels content knowing that his wife can. He has a purpose, And he can live with it, For now.

Divine Domains

Grave, Order and Blood.


Helmet of Invisiblity. A large, skull-like helmet with long horns attached to it (The one that's in the picture). It grants the wearer the ability to turn invisible at will.   Hades' Trident. A large red and gold trident with magical abilities, This is the primary weapon of Hades. It grants various effects that are too many to list here.   Soul Claws. A dual set of glowing purple claw weapons, They have the ability to manipulate the souls of the dead in several ways.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hades' Helmet of Invisiblity, From a slightly raised front angle.


Hades' Day (15th of Olym): A day dedicated to giving offerings and prayers to the God of the Dead.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While Hades himself is relatively skinny-looking, He is suprisingly cut, Working out and training with his weapons fairly often. Pair that with his magic and supernatural strength, He is physically intimidating.

Body Features

Hades looks like a fairly muscular human, But what really seperates him is his sickly skin color and boney limbs.

Facial Features

He is known to have a large black beard with a slightly aged face. He very much resembles his brother Zeus, But appearing much younger.

Physical quirks

One of his main habits is resting his head on his hand in some way, Usually only while sitting. When he becomes upset, He'll normally find a surface to hit, Most of the time it's his desk.

Special abilities

Hades as access to a variety of special powers and abilities. Excluding the ones from his equipment, He has: The ability to create green portals to anywhere he wants, Even other realms. The ability to cast Chthonic magic effects that normally only officials of Hades can use.   That may not seem like a lot, But with his magic, There are a large amount of effects that he can create or cause.

Apparel & Accessories

Hades normally wears a bright red toga with green and gold accents, Sometimes he'll wear a purple one as well, Either plain or with red accents. Sometimes he'll wear his Helm of Invisibility just for the style, Other times he'll not be wearing any headwear at all. Sometimes he'll have rings or bracelets as well. It really depends on the day.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Out of anything he's done in his life, He would certainly think that falling in love with Persephone was his only great achivement. Though he would never admit it.

Failures & Embarrassments

The fact that he allowed anybody to escape his realm, Let alone while he was on duty. But perhaps a larger regret of his is the fact he never managed to escape his responsibility, Only doing the same thing for eternity, He believes his chance may already be lost.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hades is very stern and confident in his system. He tends to avoid opening up to people and will often only be actually happy around his wife. A lot of the time, He can seem uninterested, calm and matter-of-fact.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in Order over Chaos, Every person in his realm has a reason for being there and he don't have much faith that the shades have any good in them.


Rulebreakers, Especially ones without a reason. Disrupting order in anyway will usually get a reaction out of Hades.

Personality Characteristics


The desire to have a purpose is what drives Hades, Such is the reason he sits, Day after day, Maintaining order in the underworld. He feels that is his only purpose, And that it's the only thing he can do.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Hades is great at searching through paperwork, Keeping people in line and Keeping track of multiple things at once.   He is pretty terrible at showing affection, Not being rude and practically every hobby.

Likes & Dislikes

Hades really enjoys the company of his wife. But since that doesn't happen too often, He really likes being alone.   He doesn't like Chaotic people, Rulebreakers and all-around ruffians. He doesn't like socializing or making mistakes, As he is a bit of a perfectionist.


Social Aptitude

Hades is a man that exudes the presence of confidence and assertiveness, While being rude as all hell about it. He does have this attitude of "Only I could do this, How dare you think that you could do better". A lot of the time, Hades acts like this, But when he is placed in a situation that makes him uncomfortable, He can become reserved and quiet.

Hobbies & Pets

While Hades himself does not have any hobbies, Cerberus is the pet of Hades. He loves Cerberus very much and will often visit the Erethen Gate just to see him. Never during work hours mind you, But when there is a moment.


Hades has a deep, stern voice, Much like an angry father. He speaks with a slight english accent, Placing greek pronounciations on certain words. He will often speak with more proper wordings: "Greetings", "Farewell", "Indeed", Not shortening words when talking, Etc.



Brother (Trivial)

Towards Zeus




Brother (Important)

Towards Hades




Brother (Trivial)

Towards Poseidon




Brother (Important)

Towards Hades




Husband (Vital)

Towards Persephone




Wife (Vital)

Towards Hades



Wealth & Financial state

Due to his position, Hades has one-man access to the Olympians treasure vault. Only he may let people withdraw and deposit, Even his fellow gods. As such, He also has complete control over how it's spent. This includes things like budgeting and income, But he can choose at any point to spend it if necessary.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Ensuring that everything is working smoothly in hell
Current Location
Date of Birth
11th of Minos, 9500 BR
Year of Birth
9500 BR 10265 Years old
The Abyss
Persephone (Wife)
Zeus (Brother)
Poseidon (Brother)
Current Residence
Palace of Hades, Hades
Red, Uninterested
Medium-length, Sleek Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White, Slightly Sickly
10'2" (3.09 meters)
343lbs (155kg)
Known Languages
Even though he never really leaves his realm, Due to the sheer amount of people that he speaks to each day, He knows almost every language in use today.