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Palace of Hades

The Palace of Hades is a large mansion-like building with three floors, It houses most of the important figures in Hades, Including the man himself. Resting atop a large mountain range, This building is the main center for official government operations. When a shade first appears in the realm, They are categorized and sent up to the palace where they are officially processed and given proper identification by Lord Hades. After which, They are sent to either Phlegethos or Charon to be delivered to an area of their choosing, Depending on various things.   The highest floor is where the personal quarters of Hades are located, Along with the main entrance and his amenities. Such as his treasury, desk/throne, records room, balcony and guest bed. The middle floor is reserved for the extra areas like the Kitchen, lounge, pomegranate garden, staff bedrooms, back entrance, Etc. The bottom floor is for the majority of storage, As well as the training area for Hades and the staff. Most people after processing are sent to the middle floor and down the path in the back, Leading to Charon's boat.   Shades are always filling the house, Whether they're about to get processed or they happen to work here. Everything in the house is usually done by shades that have proved their capability. The guards, The cooks, The cleaners, Accountants, Record keepers, You name it. Even certain heroic shades have gotten jobs in the palace occasionally, But due to one thing or the other, Some have stayed and others have left. Sometimes even other gods or figures will help out around the house every now and then, But it's never for too long. The only person besides Hades that actively lives in the house and is considered to be a god, Is Thanatos. Thanatos is the Olympian god of death, Usually being the one to deliver people to the realm.


The whole building is designed with regalness in mind. Made of grey stone and marble, Along with red, green, purple and gold accents, This is one of the most colorful and flamboyant buildings in the realm.


While the only defense that the palace would probably need is Hades and Thanatos, There are plenty of guards to keep watch around the building. Many of them were shades that got a job at the house, Usually supplied with steel weaponry and full plate.
Alternative Names
House of Hades
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location