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Fortress of The Erinyes

Home of the Furies

Sometimes known as "Fury Fortress", It is a large grey and blue castle with a green hue. It is located near the Erethen Gate, To the north of Tartarus.   It is home to the Erinyes, Sometimes referred to as the Furies, A group of three powerful sisters that enact punishment on the sinful. The fortress is designed to have all needs accounted for: Food prep and storage, Separate rooms for each sister, Torture chambers, Jail cells. A variety of chains, whips, lashes, Even modernized to have up-to-date surgical tools and equipment. Several weapons like swords, daggers, maces, polearms, hammers, Etc. They have nigh-infinite ways to torture, maim and kill.   The sisters almost never leave their home, Only occasionally when one of them feels like it. Only the most horrific and irredeemable shades are sent here, Where they are subsequently judged, tortured, Then sent out into the Tartarus Wastes to fend for themselves.
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