Deities by Culture

Human Deities

Colandrian Kingdom

Luminar has been the official state god for over 240 years. The adoption of Luminar coincides with the rise of the House of Krys. Any rival religions are forced out of sight not to influence the population.
Few Kingsport natives follow anyone other than Luminar , making the Church of Luminar a very powerful organisation throughout Colandria. It is not uncommon to find the artifacers of Kingsport or the academics and mages of the Academy of Quinn following Vertas in some way. Some migrants to Kingsport may follow the gods of their home culture but do so quietly and privately.
Ardmore, being a principality of Colandria, the majority of the population follow the officially recognised God of Colandria known as Luminar . Nonetheless, there are some who worship other gods like the Arinorian or Ridhasian gods or the other Old Gods of Eroedon, including Korvath (the god of chaos and war), Sunuth (the goddess order and the elements), and Thantos (the god of death and afterlife).
In Sognefjord , Luminar is the official religion shared with all other territories of Colandria . However, due to the region's geography and the highly regarded dwarven community, many humans in the wilderness also worship Brokk and Danu , the All-Father and All-Mother. Others, particularly in the West, may worship Sunuth (the goddess of order and the elements).


Arinor's nomadic clans venerate The Sisters of Arinor: Zorath (the God of Nature and Birth Auriel (the Goddess of Love and Power; Xalvador, the God of Destruction and Death. These sibling gods collaborate with one another, and the Arinordic people endeavour to emulate this harmony in their way of life.


In Eldridan , religion is not practised as it is viewed as a hindrance to social cohesion and community loyalty, according to The Code . Those who worship a foreign god are at risk of being expelled from Eldridanian society.



Rihasians mostly follow a monotheistic faith in Shiroku , the ruling God of The Elven Pantheon . The High Abbot of Shiroku is the Head of State, ruling Ridhas through his monastic order of clerics, monks and paladins via the Church of Shiroku . They do, however, believe that faith is a matter of personal choice and tolerate faith in other gods, such as the Old Gods of Eroedon.


Keth'ar Un

The people for Keth'ar Un returned to worship the Old Gods of Eroedon, in particular Korvath, after seceding from Erdridan at the beginning the The Purge:
  • Luminar (the god of creation and protection)
  • Korvath (the god of chaos and war)
  • Sunuth (the goddess order and the elements)
  • Thantos (the god of truth and justice)


Elven Cultures

Olma Palis

The Elves of Olma Palis venerate a pantheon of one ruling God and six minor deities.
  • Shiroku : The Supreme Ruling God of the Elven Pantheon, embodying wisdom, guidance, and divine order.
  • Corellon : The God of the Tempest and Weather, commanding storms and representing beauty, art, magic, and warfare.
  • Sehanine : The Goddess of Moonlight and Mysteries, guiding her followers through secrets and hidden knowledge.
  • Solonor : The God of Archery and the Hunt, embodying the elven connection to nature, survival, and expertise in hunting.
  • Erevan : The Trickster God of Mischief and Change, representing transformation and adaptability.
  • Angharradh : The Goddess of Unity and Balance, symbolizing unity among the elven deities and promoting harmony in all aspects of life.
  • Larethian n: The God of Art, Music, and Poetry, inspiring creativity and expression in elven culture.
These deities, led by Shiroku , form The Elven Pantheon and encompass various aspects of elven life, spirituality, nature, and the arts.


Falkoria Taurë

As with Olma Palis , it is assumed that the Elves of Falkoria Taurë also practice faith in The Elven Pantheon . However, they may focus more on Sehanine and Solonor, to take into account their focus on the way of the Taurë (forest) .


Dwarven Cultures

The dwarves across Eroedon worship Brokk and Danu , the All-Father and All-Mother, as the co-creators and protectors of dwarven kind. It is believed that in death, they return to the home of the All-Father and Mother. Out of respect, they do not try to depict Brokk and Danu.