Session 13


The party investigates the information gained from the previous session and Pyren gets an opportunity to become a home owner. The only catch is that the house is haunted and he is going to have to get rid of the ghost before he can do that.

Slade showed Tylen the note that was found at The Unseen Hands hide out. Tylen confirms that this is Alano Cosma's handwriting but warns the group against going after him. He tells Slade that he is very dangerous and shouldn't be messed with.   Meanwhile, Rollo Kellett hears that Pyren is looking for a new home. Unfortunately, the housing market is currently crazy as all of the politically minded people realize that they lost control over the voting majority of the Fishing District  There are rumors that surround the house. People say that the elf got tired of the fact that his wife was aging while he stayed young and beautiful, so he murdered her planning to get married to someone younger and prettier. They say that he chopped her up in the basement. Even his grown children agree that he killed their mother, but he was never charged.   The guard's reports don't give much information, and they can't find much information about it. So they talk to the elf. He says that he has been haunted in the house ever since his wife's death, but makes no comment about responsibility. He has been living in one small room in the house and has covered up every entrance to that room with wards from every religion he could get his hands on. He agrees to sell them the house if they can get rid of the ghost.    He lets them investigate the house. They find evidence that his wife was planning on leaving him, a broken plate, and a bloodstain in the basement. Unfortunately there is nothing that they can do right now because activity is most frequently on the full moon, which is 3 weeks away.

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