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The History of Eshor so far

Before the earthquake, the city state was a moderately successful power in the region, with a wide range of natural resources fueling a strong export market. Wealth from this trade was not widely distributed, and the working class worked long and hard, but true poverty was low.   The city is built atop the ruins of a major port in the old empire, which was razed to the ground during the collapse of the empire. Some sturdier structures remain, holding relics of ages past.

Current Species & Cultures

A variety of mortal folk exist, and broadly fit into four categories: fieldfolk, forestfolk, mountainfolk and merfolk. Folk of these regions are often highly adapted to life in their environment, sometimes even taking on elements of that environment (some forestfolk have leaves for hair or bark-like skin, for instance, and some merfolk are more fishlike than not.) The vast majority of these folk are humanoid.   Of these, the city is primarily home to fieldfolk, though many forestfolk and mountainfolk live there as well. Merfolk occasionally visit the harbour, but generally prefer to live in deeper waters.   More detailed history is to be determined.

Needs & Relations

Fieldfolk are farmers and builders, most akin to humans of the various folk. They have developed a thriving economy, specializing in trade and agriculturally derived goods. They tend to find the homes of other folk disconcerting, though most are happy enough dealing with folk from those areas while in their homelands.   Forestfolk seek harmony with nature, tending to act like part of the ecosystem. They tend to be self sufficient for a lot of things, though they trade for metals and gemstones with the mountainfolk, and many enjoy the luxury goods produced by the fieldfolk.   Mountainfolk are tough and hardy people, and have a history of competing over scant resources, earning them a reputation for being somewhat warlike. In modern times, much of their food is imported from field- and forestfolk, in exchange for the various materials that can more easily be mined in these mountainous regions.   Merfolk are fish-like, and largely live off the bounty of the ocean. They'll trade with coastal Fieldfolk communities for worked metal, as forging underwater is a difficult and dangerous proposition even with magic.