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Domain of Verdant Erosion

An expansive and well protected Domain of Delight, ruled by the Archfey of the region, concealed somewhere within The Feywild.   As with the nature of the Archfey, the Domain itself is a powerful realm of illusion; time and knowledge, while you may be walking down a straight forward road, when you look back you may find yourself transported to the centre of a dense thicket of rose bushes, or awaking amidst a field of poppies as if you had dreamt the entire journey, only to see the effervescent swirls and whirls of an aurora borealis raining petals of nightshade upon you.


A vast Domain which upon entry looks delightful, beautiful and welcoming. Rolling hills and luscious orchards of apple trees line cobbled roads; dense fields of ruby red poppies sway in a faint warm breeze while prismatic butterflies flutter overhead. Bustling Fey settlements thrive with live and laughter, fishing and trading various produce and items and information.   The alternative appearance of this place of wonder is of twisting gnarled vines; barbed thorns and thickets of writhing protective nature. Vast mushroom fields towering as tall as houses, blackened mountains contort into sharp shards of sky reaching rock; haunting green lanterns occassionally flicker beside semi-abandoned buildings, crumbling from decay and age. A dangerous marshland, rigged with numerous traps and dark Fey creatures hungering for innocent flesh and life essence.

Ecosystem Cycles

There is no change to the seasons unless Meryl Green desires there to be a change, she has complete control over the Domain. The main set up of the Domain is to either switch between a summery; floral landscape of beautiful fields and orchards, to a deathly cold and desolated space of thickets and decay. Due to the denizens of her Domain being privy to her nature, they themselves are easily adaptable to whatever her whims create, and have little to no complaints to offer to a fey vastly more powerful than they are.

Localized Phenomena

There is a permanent, violent whirlpool at the centre of the Heartless Depths which seems to have sundered some ships that formerly roamed the lake. It is rumoured that the victims of the whirlpool still roam the waters, even after breathing their last breath.

Fauna & Flora

There are numerous medicinal herbs dotted around the region, varying from chamomile; echinacea; feverfew; garlic; ginseng; gingko; milk thistle; and valerian, and so many more.   Though visitors must be careful as there are also vast amounts of poisonous plants, such as hemlock; nightshade; snakeroot; oleander; foxglove. Also not to be forgotten are the various dangerous mushrooms found growing in the damp earth and swampy banks of the Heartless Depths, including: death caps, fool's conecap; panther cap; angel's wings.

Natural Resources

There are a few mines around the mountainous regions of the Domain, often mining for various ores and crystals, most of these crystals are components for arcane spellcasting while the ores go towards trading between Domains and building new infrastructure as required.   The dense underbrush of both deathly dry and dank waterlogged trees provide an abundance of wood supplies for crafting, trading and building.


Many years ago, when Meryl gained enough power and control to ascend to a position of being an Archfey, she began to weave her own demi-plane within The Feywild to suit her needs and requirements. It began as a small realm and grew overtime as her power increased more and more with her age and influence.
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