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Pastures of Autumn

The Pastures of Autumn is a region of the The Feywild governed by the Autumn Court, set within a field or ever expansive pasture filled with red-orange leaves on trees and on the ground. There are bounties of fruits and vegetables, and a soft nip to the air; the sky is a constant twilight, a reminder of the darker nights of approaching winter.   Harvest time is a serious matter in the Pastures, many Fey are often emissaries to gods or patrons of harvesting; agriculture; and bountiful crops. Typically, many mortals might also make offerings to these sorts of Fey spirits for a fruitful and abundant harvest before Winter's chill sets in.   The trees, with their prismatic allure are a backdrop, though many of them bear fruits like apples and pears, or some nuts. Squashes and pumpkins can been seen scattered throughout the endless fields.   There are no spring songbirds here, only birds that migrate between worlds such as crows, ducks and geese, among many Fey-similar spirits. Many animals such as rodents tend to live in the trees or make small burrows underground, though a vastly larger number take to forming communities in the Pastures of Autumn, coming together as a group to celebrate the Harvest.   The Pastures of Autumn is now a peaceful and tranquil region of The Feywild , a place of rest and acceptance that all things end; but during the last civil war between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, the opposite couldn't have been more true. In order to protect their borders and denizens, the Autumn Court submitted to the darker side of the season, wherein fear; vile and sinister forces roam. For a time, the Autumn Court was thrown into a chaotic mix of violence and lost all of its merry jubilation. Though, once peace was accomplished between the Seelie and Unseelie once more, a slow process of reigning in the darkness began, and under the guidance of the realms sovereign, the rise of peace and celebration was renewed.   Now however, the Pastures of Autumn lingers in something of a stalemate, after the disappearance and suspected death of their sovereign, the Court of the Empty Throne is kept ticking over merely by the persistence of loyal lords and ladies who still believe their Queen will return.


As with all areas of the Feywild, the Pastures of Autumn are suffused with potent magic and unrestrained emotion. It is a realm of untampered natural beauty, once protected and cultivated by the Lady of Autumnal Breezes, thus the natural order extends far and autumns slowly diminishing glow into Winter lingers in twilight mist.   A realm filled with ever expanding pastures of pumpkins; squashes and nut trees; with bubbling brooks and sloping glades ever dusked in a twilight aura. Luscious trees with ripe golden apples boast beautiful blood-orange foliage, and dry crunching underfoot from the ever falling leaves from above.   With fields and pastures expanding across the horizons and sloping glades, stuffed with pumpkins as large as ale kegs; squashes as wide as barstools; fruit trees with drooping branches for the thick abundance of ripe fruit; and nut trees so flourished with seed that squirrels and foxes eat ever plenty.   Bubbling brooks with glimmering golden waters resembling wine flow between the sloping glades, while the borders are basked in glorious trees of blood-orange and reddish-purple leafage.   The denizens of the Pastures of Autumn are a collective blend of civilised Fey, some spirits some humanoid, among their numbers are Autumn Eladrin; Dryads; Pixies; Satyrs and many others. They tend to make their homes among the trees, small settlements and large pumpkin fields, some even turning entire pumpkins into abodes if they find one large enough to sustain their lifestyles.   As well as an abundance of animals and critters who love to make their homes within the tower pumpkins and veraciously ample trees, such as the shy by joyful Fungus-Furred Flounder Ferret; Tanuki; Owlpaca; Tressyms, Pseudodragons; Faerie Dragons and many more. These creatures are found almost everywhere in the Pastures of Autumn, alongside others which are more familiar to the Material Plane, and make their homes among the glades; pastures and lakes.

Fauna & Flora

There are a vast array of flowers and plants which grow native to the Pastures of Autumn, tended to by the vast populace of harvest minded Fey who like nothing more than to grow and tend to crops of all sorts.  

Aurelian Lotus:

An almost legendary flower, believed only to grow within the Palace and Domain of Delight of the Autumn Queen, they are sometimes known by the alternative name "Dawnmaiden's Reverie".   These lotuses are dusted with golden pollen and are a beautiful warm yellow colour tinged with autumn orange and red, with long tendril stems of golden pollen. The petals are adorned with intricate, shimmering golden swirls which look like flames from a distance.   The natural nectar of the flower is capable of incredible medicinal effects, such as restoring lost health and triggering the hour long effects of Death Ward.   When brewed correctly and with the right ingredients it can create Salves of Greater Restoration; Potions of Superior Healing or Potions of Invulnerability.


These small, orange coloured mushrooms are relatively dainty in appearance, with a small spattering of creamy dots across the cap and a dark red stalk. When gently removed from the earth it is revealed they have a genuine amber gemstone attached to their roots, worth between 25-80 gold pieces.  


This very common berry, is often found sprouting from the ground around the bases of trees and bushes. Easily identifiable by its trio of leafage in dark shades of emerald verigated into the centre in shades of lime green.   Beneath the leafage is a hard exterior of spines which start off in a gently teal colour, bleeding into a mint green, into a soft orange, into a pale yellow. They enclose themselves around the true fruit to keep it safe from potential predators but when removed revealed a soft fleshy fruit of golden-orange hues with a warmer red colour inside.   The spines can be used for dyes after a 24 hour soak in spring water and bottled for use on hair; clothes and other fabrics.   The fleshy fruit is very sweet, makes excellent desserts and is juicy beyond measure. This fruit can be eaten raw and tastes akin to a peach-apricote hybrid, but can be made into a variety of other things, such as custard; pie filling; jam; face and hair masks; and cordials.  

Moon Melon:

A luxurious and rather large fruit, round in shape and often found sprouting near pumpkins and squashes.   This fruit is layered, the most outer layer being the dark blue and purple skin which is flecked with white, making it look like a starscape. This skin layer is around half a centermeter thick but is relatively soft to split.   The inner layer is a soft fleshy fruit in a pure white colouration, dappled with dark blue seeds no bigger than a a pinhead. The flesh is incredibly sweet and juicy, with texture similar to that of the interior of a pumpkin.   The deepest layer is a surprisingly hard one, a sphere akin to the nut of a Material Plane acovado, except it is in fact a geode. These geodes are inedible but can be removed and crushed down to create dyes, eyeshadows or even smoked to provide a miriad of fruity flavours and scents.  

Ashen Bloom:

A beautiful dark crimson flower with fragile stems of black with deep orange veins running throughout, looking like molten lava beneath the surface. The core of the flower releases a stream of red smoke at all times, and smells like warm bread.  

Fortune's Flower:

These bright blue five petal flowers have twinkling central stems with glittering pollen. They grow frequently around the edges of water sources and prefer the cooler temperatures of the autumn region.   It is believed consumption of the flower via smoking or eating causes some unique effects for the consumer.  
[Consumption of this flower permits the consumer 1 luck point which must be used within 1 hour, if it is not used within the time limit, it is lost, but the DM gains an Ill-Fortune point to use against the consumer whenever they desire.]

Feywood Ivy:

This attractive, but pesky plant is known to grow around the harvest orchards, attempting to strangle the vines of pumpkins and squashes so it may sustain itself from their nutrients. It is deceptively pretty in its appearance, with verigated green and pink stems and leaves, and a rosy glow at its central nexus where is absorbs the nutrients of its fallen flora. Once it gains enough sustanence, it is able to transform into a Feywood Treant Sapling.
Alternative Name(s)
Court of the Empty Throne
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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