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Fields of Spring

The Fields of Spring is one region of the Feywild governed by the Spring Court, wherein an endless meadow of tall grass; flowers, numerous hedges, small scattered woodlands and a large central forest carve a serene image of perfect tranquillity.   Vibrant, verdant grasslands stretch as far as the eye can see, broken up intermittently by grasses which are often taller than most humanoids, and vast rolling hills that stretch for countless miles. Crystal clear lakes overlook serene indigo mountains and the tall trees in brilliantly luscious shades of emerald; jade and viridian greens.   Within the central forest at the heart of the realm, is where the Spring Court resides within the Cerelian Palace, ruled over by King Oberon, the Lord of Beasts, and a prestigious member of the Feywild pantheon, the Seelie Court.


As with all areas of the Feywild, the Fields of Spring are suffused with potent magic and untampered emotion. It is a realm of unrestrained natural beauty, protected and cultivated by the Lord of Beasts, thus the natural order grows free and far.   Grasses are taller than humanoids, the trees reach hundreds of feet into the sky with wide opening branches and leaves of iridescent green shades. The smell of fresh grass and flowers is intoxicating but not overpowering. And the vibrant array of springtime flowers stretch out across the open meadows like hands eagerly grasping for light and life.   Rolling hills create perfect warrens for the free-spirited Harengon; locations for Blink Dogs to play and hide, and for Pixies and Sprites to tangle in mischief with the roaming Satyrs.   The lakes to the North of the realm offer safe haven and tranquil homes to a number of Naiads, Nymphs, Sylphs and occassionally more dangerous entities of the Fey, like Rusalka.   The glorious and serene mountains to the North of the realm reach high with their indigo peaks and rolling clouds, and are rumoured to be protected by an ancient Fey beast befriended long ago by Oberon, a Ram of the Mountains.

Localized Phenomena

In the forest surrounding the heart of the Spring Court, there is rumoured to roam a Wolf of the Forest, a huge Fey spirit summoned in the image of the Summer Court. With burning yellow and red leaf-like fur and blistering eyes of scolding orange, burning with the heat of Queen Titania's affection for Oberon.   This Wolf of the Forest roams at her behest, to ever remind her consort of her love, and to offer protection of his realm, as well as reminding those who would do harm in the Fields of Spring, that the Summer Court is ever vigilant.   The Wolf of the Forest treats each tree within Oberon's realm as a member of its own pack; where it treads, saplings grow and flowers bloom in iridescent shades of summer. It is keenly aware of all which happens in its lands, and will often appear from the ethereal to defend its territory.   It is widely believed, however, that due to being summoned to the Fields of Spring by the Queen of the Seelie Court herself, that the aspect of the Wolf of the Forest widely seen, is little more than an avatar of the true power it holds. Its true form, a primal spirit of ever burning love and passion, resides within Titania's private Domain, where it can oversee all of its territory with ease.

Fauna & Flora

The Feywild is home to many unique varieties of plant life, including medicinal herbs, enchanting flowers and fungi with supernatural properties.  

Fey Caps:

A very rare mushroom which has a creamy white stalk and a red, pointed cap, it consistently emits a chromatic plume of spores which, when inhaled, can lead to those in the immediate area falling under the effects of the Confusion spell for 1 minute. Eating the mushroom deals 2d10 poison damage and also causes the Confusion spell effect for 1 minute.   However, when brewed correctly it creates a potion which leads to 1 of 3 spell effects: Potion of Reduce, Potion of Enlarge, or Potion of Alter Self (10 minutes).  

Rash Nettle:

These delicate looking stinging nettles which look like their regular Material Plane counterparts, except that they are in vivid shades of lime green and teal.   They sting when touched with bare flesh, but can be brewed to remove the sting and then made into a very nice, very refreshing tea which somewhat tastes like lime and cucumber.  
[If one were to pick them, roll them into tight balls and throw them, however, they might explode on impact in a 10ft sphere, causing creatures caught within that range to suffer 2 points of poison damage.]

Grave Berries:

Named due to the fact they tend to grow on fresh graves, these small purple-blue berries grow on long thin stems with large oval leaves of a desaturated green colour.    Most believe them to be poisonous, however any herbalist or Druid worth their word will be seen snacking on them quite happily.  


This bright blue fruit, roughly shaped like a Material Plane apple, is among the softest and sweetest fruit in the Fields of Spring. Know for its obvious blue hue which matches the leaves of the tree it grows upon, the Viokra is known to have some unusual effects on those that consume it.  
[When consumed, roll 1d6 to see which effect is recieved.]

Witch Weed:

This fairly rare weed is known for its long, sweeping forked tail-like appearance, starting in deep shades of verdent green only to transition into a more yellow hue towards the forked tip.   This weed is a favourite among Hags and hermits alike, said to have been discovered by adventurous cooking, this is namely due its peculiar magical affects.   Once consumed, whether raw or cooked, it will semi-transform the consumer for 1 hour into a fish-like creature with gills and webbed limbs. They immediate suffer from some gastrointestinal discomfort while gaining the temporary effects of Water Breathing, Vulnerability to Fire Damage and the Inability to Speak.   If brewed correctly however, it may be turned into a potion of Water Breathing or a Potion of Disguise Self.
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