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The Arbor Wild's Carnival

The Carnival is a Feywild marvel, centuries old and still going strong, a non-Court affiliated organisation which regularly travels from region to region. No where is out of bounds to this troupe, venturing from the Wastes of Winter/Frozen Lands, to The Inbetween and beyond to the Emerald Forest.   Believed to have been formed around the end of the last civil war, the illusive Ringmaster is a whimsical master of entertainment and reconcile. Within his Carnival, all Fey are welcome regardless of their affiliations or pasts, as long as the Arbor Wild's Rule of Three is adhered to, the Carnival offers safety and protection to all guests while they carry upon their persons a Carnival Ticket.   The Carnival is a well received wonder of the Feywild; when word spreads that it is coming to one of the regions again, Fey flock to it from across the Wilds to take part. Some purchase tickets on the day, some managing to gain them prior. As a place for adult and child alike, there is entertainment in all forms for any fairgoer.   Sometimes, when the veil is particularly thin between the Feywild and the Material Plane, the Carnival will harness itself to a Fey Crossing and enable interplanar visitation and excitement, spreading posters around nearby towns and sending out occasional free tickets to entice and enthral people of the Material Plane.


The Ringmaster:

The leader of the Carnival, the owner and the founder, he is an illusive man who only reveals himself during the penultimate and ultimate Big Top Extravaganza events. But his presence is felt across the entire Carnival at all times, for it is his magic and his power which allows the constant safety and protection for the guests and workers.   The Ringmaster is known to be a Wild Fey, one whom holds no allegiance to any Court or Monarch.  

The Arbor Hands:

The attendants of the Carnival, made up of numerous Fey and a small number of Material Plane creatures. They oversee rides; attractions; events; the wellbeing of the guests; and often partake in the Carnival's Big Top Extravaganza together in a finale performance.   The Arbor Hands are often Fey who have no where else to go, or who have fled their pasts and seek a fresh start, and the Carnival welcomes them with open arms to offer them a home and a new beginning. Protection from previous affiliations or mistakes made in youthful error, the Carnival forms one large family.  

The Norn:

A mysterious race of Fey women who are naturally in touch with destiny and prophecy. While they are numerous in number, they are relatively private and secluded, thus are not seen often. But when they are, they are almost always gathered in threes. The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone.   Three such Norn reside within the Carnival, treated with a revere not often seen between Fey, these women seem to linger because they desire to and not because they have no other place to be. They spin the strings of Fate for guests of the Carnival who pass their palms with gold and share a peak at the past, the present and the future.


Within the Carnival's walls, there is no prejudice; no judgement; no hostility and no negativity. All Fey are welcome, all creatures are welcome. Visitors are as likely to see Unseelie and Seelie Fey walking side by side, as they are to see Sun Elves walking alongside Drow. It is a place which believes and enforces equality, balance and temporary peace between foes.

Public Agenda

The true agenda of the Carnival is unknown, the reason for its creation and continued venture is a mystery. But what is known, is that the Carnival helps bring joy and balance, it soothes old wounds and allows a childlike excitement to flow through even the most austere of visitors. It brings happiness to the sad, tranquillity to the manic, peace to the angry and warmth to the cold hearted.


The Carnival is broken up into four different sectors, each of which represents a region of the Feywild. Within each sector are a number of events; rides and games which can be enjoyed.  

The Spring Sector:

  Reflecting the Fields of Spring in appearance, with luscious grass and budding flowers this area is known as the Vernal Valley.   Flight of the Bumblebees: Attended to by a sweet looking Pixie called Saffron, an enormous daisy rests on the surface of the mossy grass, glistening with pearlescent sheen as giant bumblebees use it as a landing platform, buzzing loudly and giving off the sound of ringing bells as they fly overhead with wings as brilliant as stained glass windows.   These twelve giant bumblebees, which are trained to fly around the Carnival visiting various large flowers to collect pollen, just so happen to also be content to carry riders and allow guests an aerial view of the festivities.   Lilypad Raft: Overseen by a twelve foot tall awakened cherry tree known as Everbreeze, he guides guests onto enormous lilypads which float delicately upon the glistening waters of the Arbor River, steered by frog-folk gondoliers.   Performance of Pan: A majestic centaur, named Sterling, with snow white fur and black hooves guides fairgoers onto the stage to give an entertaining performance for the gathered crowd. Be it song; dance; music; story or acrobatic display, all performances are welcome. Partakers are gifted a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a small metal pin of participation.  

Summer Sector:

  Decorated in the image of the Emerald Forest, with a warm Summer breeze; blooming flowers and themes of summer hues, this are is known as the Senaliesse Solstice.   Marble Mania: A gorgeous, sleek-furred Blink Dog named Vax'ullath, oversees this ride. A large tent with a grand wooden bowl built into the floor, a series of large humanoid sized marbles sit around the edges waiting for guests to enter them before they are rolled down into the bowl and undergo the effects of the Reduce spell, beginning to crash and roll and slide into others.   Sun Scorched Slip and Soaker: Attended to by a Fey woman of otherworldly beauty, a large pond of cool clear water extends across the grass, too deep to see the bottom but glimmering with inverted starlight. The water swirls upwards in a bizarre reverse waterfall which carries small four person row boats up a weaving and sweeping path forty feet into the air.   Morwel's Minigames: A selection of vibrantly coloured tents host denumerable minigames for the entertainment of guests, presided over by an Eladrin woman named Thilmia, who presents herself in her Summer form. Winners of the minigames are presented with small Feywild prizes and trinkets. Among the minigames guests can find:
  • Almiraj Ring Toss
  • Catch the Faerie Dragon
  • Guess the Feathers
  • The Norn
  • The Rope Ladder
  • Test Your Might

Autumn Sector:

  A wonderful scene of harvest glee, with fallen leaves; haybales; pumpkins galore and the ever present scent of fresh mead, candy and clotted cream, the Harvest Orchard is elaborately decorated in the image of the Pastures of Autumn.   Cookie Carousel: The Arbor Hand of this ride is a unique sight for even the most well traversed of the Feywild, a Tanuki Fey who goes by the name Hazel. The ride appears to be a procession of large wooden unicorns standing motionless atop a circular platform of muted orange and yellow patterning, the unicorns spring to life when the ride is activated and prance around the platform with their riders gleefully.   Pumpkin Plaza - Pumpkin Pie Eating Contest: A female gnome named Jora and her male pixie companion, Rowan oversee the infamous pie eating contest in the Harvest Orchard. The area is a buzzing scene of music; mirth and mead, with elongated tables and benches piled high with miniature pumpkin pies. The aim of the game is to eat as many pies as you can before the sugar coma hits home, the winner is crowned the Pumpkin Pie Prince or Princess and given a complimentary t-shirt identifying them as such.   Custard Wrestling: Auberon Thistlehow, a male Eladrin often seen in his Autumn form, oversees the custard pit where guests can challenge friends to a wrestle, or can ask to challenge an Arbor Hand. The event includes three rounds of wrestling within the custard, if both contestants are still standing they go into a sudden death round where they quickest wins.  

Winter Sector:

  The Glacial Glade contains a scattering of winter trees and foliage, such as holly trees and snowdrops, the ground is hard and scattered with snow and ice. Built to represent the harsh climate of the Wastes of Winter/Frozen Lands region of the Feywild.   Mab's Tea Party: A twenty foot tall teapot rests upon a wooden platform, its white and blue painted surface swirls with moving imagery of the cosmos and a frigid nightscape of towering ice capped mountains and a jet black diamond atop the highest peak. Whisper, a Winter Eladrin, maintains the ride between slow and judgemental sips of tea. Guests are seated in replica teacups and spun around on the platform at faster and faster rates, forced to hop and jump over one another to prevent crashes, somehow this works with arcane precision. Other guests may choose to enter the teapot itself and are blown from the spout in arcane bubbles to float across the carnival with an aerial view.   Night Diamond Express: Propelled by magic, snow globes filled with fairgoers trudge into an opening carved like the entrance of an ice cave; they reappear moments later on the far side of the attraction, with passengers expression a mixture of bewilderment, fear and excitement in equal measure as they contend with their own fears within. A beautiful and rare female Tabaxi named Guinevere looks after the guests and the attraction, with her four Displacer Beast tails flicking behind her at all times.   Hall of Air and Darkness: A beautiful elaborate class case sits just outside the pale blue tent, at a first glance the case contains a glorious black diamond glimmering with facets of light and arcane power almost seems to seep out. On a second look, however, the diamond is replaced by the image of an ethereal woman with stark angular features; bone-white skin; all black eyes and long raven coloured hair, wearing a delicate tiara encrusted with that same black diamond.   The attraction itself acts as a hall of illusions where guests go within and view themselves in the many, many mirrors, witnessing their bodies change into different forms of various Fey creatures of varying degrees of horrific nature. This attraction is overseen by Eros, a handsome Satyr.  

The Big Top Extravaganza:

  The central and largest tent resides at the very centre of the Carnival, opening only at the penultimate hour of the festivities to offer a display of whirling acrobatics; musical performance; song and dance; fire breathing; knife throwing; beastly transformations and much more. This acts as the beginning of the end, as the Ringmaster finally makes himself known, as he oversees the Extravaganza.   Lord Cassian Yimisius, Master of the Arbor Wild's Carnival, an Archfey with no allegiance to any Court. He acts as the Ringmaster, the commander of the troupes and the mysterious host.   Towards the end of the Extravaganza, Cassian invites guests down onto the stage to perform if they so desire, for a final chance for entertainment and participation, he treats those who volunteer with the highest of regards, as honoured guests and often invites them backstage after the Final Event so that they might speak more.  

The Final Event:

  The finale of the Carnival is a complete secret, revealed onto to those present within the Big Top at the very end of the festivities. Only those who are there can know what fate befalls the guests.


The Rule of Three:

The Arbor Wild's Rule of Three governs the entire Carnival and is magically enforced by the Ringmaster's will.   The Rule of Reconcile: All are welcome within the Carnival, whether parted by dispute; differing lifestyle; or Courtly loyalty. Inside the Carnival, Fey of both Seelie and Unseelie natures are permitted to roam and intermingle, none are judged nor shunned due to affiliations which mean nothing within the walls of the Carnival.   The Rule of Repose: There is no violence or theft within the walls of the Carnival, while minor spells and arcane trinkets may be used in conjunction with certain events and games, anything which could cause harm by accident or on purpose will no longer function beyond the Ticket Booth. Any attempts at purposeful violent interactions or underhand behaviour will be met with immediate ejection from the Carnival.   The Rule of Reciprocity: To the best of your ability, if offered a boon; kind word; gift or information within the walls of the Carnival, you must offer something of equal value in exchange to maintain the balance of Feywild charm.
Founding Date
End of the Fey Civil War
Entertainment, Troupe
Leader Title


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