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Session 2: Downtime

General Summary


  Ildreth firstly wanders the markets and manages to purchase himself a new dagger, but not perform arranging to meet the elven Sarrock, working with Madame Feona to arrange a meet of sorts. They idly converse for a time and he discovers she too is a local ranger and like you has travelled from afar to Phlan. Her work mainly takes her to the Quivering Forest where she hunts and forages, venturing to Phlan to trade for sundries, but also as far the Dragonspine and Thar You talk of your histories, love of nature and at your prodding she tells you more of the Emerald Enclave. They are a collective of individuals banded together to represent nature and protect the balance between it and ever enroaching civilisation and other threats. Locally, they are often work to maintain the peace between Phlan and the Quivering Forest, ensuring the locals don't en roach on ancient pacts and that the industries of ambitious folk do not push too far against the lands and its magic. Buhrell you already know (and would need to settle your animosity with) but Doomguide Yovir Glandon, head of the Order of the Silent Shroud in Valhingen Graveyard, is the local contact in Phlan and works closely with them and others in maintaining the local peace. As you talk into the night, she would be happy to take you into the Quivering Forest on her next ranging, but warns you it is a dangerous place and that you could be gone some time. Asking about orcs, she tenses up as she again senses your hatred of them, but she apprehensively continues. You learn that plenty of tribes settle in the Thar Badlands just beyond the forest and that bands will often come south to Phlan and the surrounding region. Sometimes for ill to raid and plunder, but just as often to trade and even settle.   Ildreth & Atlendor venture to the Crooked Crown in the Old Town and on entering, instantly realise that the venue is well outside your price range. Directed to a table at the back, they find Yaliva and his band. Yaliva is instantly grateful to see fellow adventurers, introducing them to his brothers and sisters at the table and buys your first drinks. Though he is disappointed that this isn’t a social call, he welcomes your company and they boast of their exploits. The Order is an organisation whose sole purpose is to fight evil in all its forms and draw their number from every race and kind, all dedicated to its purpose. The Moonsea is a known hotbed of evil, whether it be the Church of Bane and its dark cults, rampaging Tharian tribes or scum that have escaped more civilised Faerun, there is great need for those who will stand up and fight for the cause of good & justice. Asking about The Emerald Enclave he scoffs and considers them as a gaggle of disorganised druids, too concerned with their forests as to be effective. Not to mention their often-questionable methods and ideals of “balance” - “what balance need there by with evil? Am I right?”.   It was then you mention the Black Dragon and the conversation instantly stops. Yaliva leans and in deadly certain terms advises you to not speak of it – people have died for that knowledge already and it is not entirely certain for what purpose and no doubt they will strike again. Though he can't tell you of why they are in Phlan, he advises that persons are seeking Dragonic power and knowing the evil nature of dragons, it will be for foul purpose. Trust no-one and be sure to come to him again if they hear of anything – the Order is not unkind to its allies.  


Dustinby pursues his own interests and spends most of his time researching in Mantor’s Library. As he pours over magical researchers and works trying to better understand his gifts, he finds his expenses mounting quickly to pay the required visitor fees and small bribes and donations to the Library’s many scribes and attendants. After many hours of research, paid for in gold pieces, (100gp to be precise) he does discover that there have been many other folk like him; peoples of all different races who discover that they have innate magical powers that manifest in different ways. Known as “Sorcerers”, their powers come from a source within themselves though the nature of the power is different to everyone. Worryingly, he also discovers that such powers can be extremely dangerous to both the wielder and those around them. This knowledge makes him feel more confident in his abilities and in his willingness to experiment, grabbing random items from Podol Plaza. On this occasion he escapes the wrath of shouting shopkeepers and bored Fists, however, his face is becoming known for the wrong reasons....  


Atlendor signs himself for the Fight Pits to practise his trade and is welcomed but ragged, scarred dwarf, Gordik Creedfist, “Talent Management” who eyes you warily – “I doesn’t know you nor care for you a spit. You want to fight, you pay your “registration fee”. After coughing up the extortionate 100gp, you get access to the training yard and spend hours in a series of smaller mock fights and spar with established and rookie fighters, proving your ability. After a week of long days, wooden swords and endless montages, you feel the better for it. Gordik finally announces grudgingly that you’re ready for the pits. Speak to him again if you ever want to fight.     After an expensive week, the party is now -6gp in debt. Madame Freona covers your expenses this time however in the future you may need the assistance of less supportive and sinister folk.....

Rewards Granted

    203gp spent
  • Atlendor levels up
  • Dustinby levels up
  • Yovir Glandon gained as a contact
  • Gordik Creedfist gained as a contact
  • Sarrock gained as a contact
Report Date
04 Dec 2018
Primary Location

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