Beregost Stables

The Beregost Stables are run by Stablemaster Kinta and operates both as a general stable for travelers as well as a holding facility for the hundreds of strange horses owned by those in Candlekeep Library. The stable is structured such that the general stables are visible while the Candlekeep stable is not. The Candlekeep stable is below ground and can only be unlocked by the stablemaster and are accessible through a hidden elevator within the main building. Horses belonging to the Order at Candlekeep are stored over four floors and each reside within a small stall which opens to a personal pocket dimension containing a large area for free roaming. Although Candlekeep's horses sometimes have an owner within the keep, they are usually used communally and loaned to those executing official Order business. When on loan, Candlekeep horses are implanted with a small tethorite metal disk which allow the stablemaster to recall the horse if necessary. Implantation is a painless process.  

Currently Stabled Horses

Among others, some odd horses known to reside in the underground portion of the stables include:
  • Rue: A seemingly immortal grey warhorse with ice blue eyes. Rue was briefly on loan to Rickemash, during which time he often assisted in outdoor battles. However, Rue began counting down from 9 each time his rider successfully killed an enemy. Rue was returned to the stable after shouting the number 3, and what occurs at the end of the countdown remains a mystery.
  • Travalan: This horse does not whinny, but sings like a bird, typically mimicking whichever birdsong is most prevalent in the area.
  • Pendatta: A sleek yet muscular shaved horse decorated in cascades of black arcane tattoos. Pendatta was on loan to Anteries Solander before her return to the stable. The horse has been infused with magic and is capable of storing unused spells.
  • Chroma: An otherwise mundane-looking steed, Chroma's fur is of shifting color and changes each morning.
  • Sellat the Survivor: A retired warhorse, Sellat has seen far too much of the endless horrors of battle. He appears eternally paralyzed in fear and is generally non-responsive. The Survivor does not walk as a traditional horse, instead teleporting up to 200 ft at a time while remaining frozen.
  • Ifrit: A horse comprised of flame, Ifrit is deadly to the touch-- for all but his rider. The horse may condense into a gaseous form and is partial to living in a bottle.
  • Efletter: Efletter is a hybrid creature, a mixture of a horse and a dairy cow. She must be milked daily to avoid discomfort, but milking may create a telepathic bond with her rider.
  • Chewy: This horse suffers pica and constantly has something in his mouth. Chewy's coat color changes to reflect the dominant hue of whatever he is chewing on.
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Articles under Beregost Stables