City Courts - Ravens Bluff Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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City Courts - Ravens Bluff


  • Lord Magistrate - Loranoa Ilefaen - Half Elf F
  • The High Court - 4 high magistrates deal with the biggest stuff
      • Tonu El Tortle M -
      • Loramoira Starpride High Elf F -
      • Mats Sizurnen Human M -
      • Arva Thromnavock Dwarf F -
    • Ash Sinaran - Fire Genasi F
    • Duona Steelhoof - Minotaur M
    • Tysnyl Radehk - Dwarf F
    • Duron Hirekugi - Human M
    • Veldoris DeVillars - Tiefling F
    • Makamar Hurog - Makamar Hurog - Half Orc M
    • Lower court justice - Hidden River - Tabaxi M
Governmental, Ministry
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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