Merchants Council - Ravens Bluff Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Merchants Council - Ravens Bluff

The Merchants Council was formed in direct response to the self-formed merchant collectives, groups of allied merchants that increased their collective economic sway within the city, by whose dealings devolved into shady back-room deals and even violent assaults in the city streets. Three particularly unscrupulous traders were ousted from Ravens Bluff after these eruptions, and the city recognized certain collectives as official "merchant houses", and decided upon a set of rules and regulations, by which the merchants would conduct themselves.


  • Tomalass Blountrae - Vedalkin M
  • Khauldan Risimmer - - Half-Elf M
  • Subrask Swythe - Human M - Merchant speculator that makes high risk high reward investments (with a little help from diviniation magic.)
  • Yustable Tarthree - Banking - Loxodon M
  • Asha Elvenblood - Elf F - Obvious. Controlls the only valid land trading route through the earthspine mountains to procampur and tsurlagol.
  • Dodluc Oreseeker - Information Broker - Changeling N
  • Schantra Deepvein - Manufactures most of the weapons and armor for the guard and army - Deep Gnome F
  • Vaquis Coldrun - Winter Eladrin F - Coldrun references a river of diamonds - Has a strangle hold on gems and precious metals coming in from the south, and owns nearly every jewler in Ravens Bluff. - Strong ties to Procampur and by extension Elvenblood
  • Voa Dragonthorne - Human F - Deals in exotic goods. Mostly harvested parts from monsters across the Vast, Moonsea and Coldlands. Has a veritable army of monsters hunters contracted with her company.
  • Meavoi Treerunner Lakumakume - Goliath M - Extensive lumber mills up river, started with transporting and selling lumber but now his companies barges handle most bulk shiping up and down the fire river. Patrols and security along the stretch near orc territory are a high priority to him.
  • Maerdyl RuneAnvil- Dwarf M - Manufacturing for buidlings, ships, city infrastructure, etc. Mostly interested in securing contracts with the city and other merchant council members.
  • Aendra - - Shadar-Kai F
  • Goritar Asorimm - Private security, has a monopoly on private guards for nobles, banks, anyone who can pay really. The limit 20 house hold guards for each noble family has been a boon. There is no shortage of insecure rich people willing to pay to make themselves feel better. Wants to encourage unsafe environments to inspire fear, unless its one of his clients then he pressures the courts hard for executions. - Half Orc M
  • Creek Sinaran - Runs a network of passenger ships between the three main cities of vespein in the shallow waters away from pirates. If its not percieved as safe everything collapses so he's extremely invested in keeping the shallows protected form pirates. - Water Genasi M
  • Edda Samborosar - Hired by The Dragon Reach Shipping Consortium to represent their interests. Always pushing for a larger naval presence across the The Dragon Reach - Vedalkin F
  • Bretnia Strongsong - The Strongsong Company is a pipeline for scribes, librarians, record keepers etc. They have contracts with most of the major guilds, courts, councils, anyone that needs meeting notes or information recorded uses Strongsong scribes. - Dwarf F
Geopolitical, City council
Parent Organization


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