Ministry of Art - Ravens Bluff Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Ministry of Art - Ravens Bluff


  • Ministry of Art - 14 seats, handle all things magic. Sometimes act on
  • their own but mostly advise and observe.
    • Air - Sacena Ireviryn - Owlin F - Gennie Warlock
    • Water - First Seat of the Ministry of Art Heixalim Farguard - Moon Elf F - Fathomless Warlock
    • Earth - Kelbe - Kobold F - Celestial Warlock
    • Fire - Flash - Fire Genasi F - Fiend Warlock
    • Wild Magic - Dulk Zhudrith - Bugbear M - Wild Magic Sorcerer
    • Abjuration - Vauthu Nightbreaker Vuma-Thigala - Goliath F - Abjuration Wizard
    • Conjuration - Duzarz Prowl - Hobgoblin M - Shepard Druid
    • Divination - Rangrom Geldakann - Dwarf M - Divination Wizard
    • Enchantment - Theira Natza- Tiefling F - Eloquence Bard
    • Evocation - Valybar Glitterbottom - Gnome F - Wildfire Druid
    • Illusion - Greyson - Human M - Illusion Wizard
    • Necromancy - Nikita Stiv - Aasimar F - Divine Soul Sorcerer
    • Transmutation - Jugg - Goblin M - Transmutation Wizard
    • General - Thedan Featherheart - High Elf F - Alchemist Artificer
    Research, Council
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