Clerical Circle - Ravens Bluff Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Clerical Circle - Ravens Bluff


  • Clerical Circle - 10 members, handle religious things
    • Chauntea - Chief Prelate - Heiric Fogspirit - Firbolg M
    • Gond - Ren Folker - Human M
    • Helm - Xa Dunstan - Tortle F
    • Lathander - Licdon - Spring Eladrin F
    • Mystra - Zagoll Ulish - Vedalkin M
    • Tempus - Phidreh Brookshadow - Centaur F
    • Tymorea - Elini Tenflower - Halfling F
    • Tyr - Elselle Stormhold - Dwarf F
Religious, Other
Parent Organization
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