Iefyr Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Iefyr Savren

A hybrid hunter / healer, Iefyr provides decent damage while supporting allies with healing magics

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Not terribly strong, but she is quick and works primarily in the wilderness so she stays in good shape.

Facial Features

Sharp face with thin lips and silver eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

A spring eladrin, so she has slightly green skin, hair and a lighter air about her.

Physical quirks

Responds very quickly to any sort of out of place noise or stimuli.

Special abilities

  • Wild Shape / Wild Companion
  • Balm of the Summer Court
  • Favored Enemy - Fey, Humanoids, Orcs, Goblinoids
  • Natural Explorer - Forest, Coast / Lands Stride
  • Fighting Style - Archer
  • Colossus Slayer, Escape the Horde
  • Fey Ancestry / Darkvision / Fey Step
  • Sharpshooter / Crossbow Expert / Healer / Medium Armor Master

Apparel & Accessories

Armor and clothes aren't very clean but they do blend in with the woods, mountains, and grasslands.

Specialized Equipment

  • Heavy Crossbow +3
  • Nine Lives Stealer Dagger
  • Necklace of Prayer Beads
  • Boots of Elven Kind
  • Ambitious Medic's Box
  • Restorative Ointment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the first elves born to the floating court after the spell plague migration, Iefyr grew up in the violent imbalance between the Feywild and the prime material plane of Faerun. The spell plague inspired an order of druids to be founded to try and hold back some of the havoc being wreaked on the natural world. Iefyr joined the group for her home on the Moonshae isles to try and find a balance between the increasing fey presence in the world. She showed talent as a healer and, equipped with her crossbow and healing magic set off on her assignments.   She worked with her team of four for about 10 years, growing experienced before they found an ancient fey from the wilds that decimated her team. She was the only survivor which sent her into a spiral of depression and post traumatic stree. Along with her childhood friend Winnifred she decided it was time for a change and the pair set out for the city of Talumin for a new start. She, in a search for purpose and companionship visited one of the Temple of Sune in Alfas and got to know the bartender, Tome, even helping him with a job or two.   When tome got his invitation to the windblown Iefyr went with him and after a brief conflict with Rennura, she was found the company was exactly what she needed to regain her confidence. She began working with Aay and eventually brought Winnifred into the company. They work as a special unit attached to larger armies and the stability and overall tankyness of her allies has helped her fall back into a comfortable rhythm in combat..




Trained with the rangers and druids of sarifal, has tons of practical experience and knows how to track, hunt, fight and heal. Working with the windblown has gotten her some training in non-elven history.


Steady employment working under Aay with the windblown. Generally takes combat and tracking missions.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Being the first Ranger of Sarifal picked from the eladrin born to the prime material plane. Surviving multiple encounters with dangerous foes. Helping to protect her people, then doing what she needed to protect herself after the death of her friends. How quickly she adapted to city life after living almost her entire life as a ranger, and how she pulled herself together after she couldn't save her friends.

Mental Trauma

After years of pretty dangerous hunts she and her team went up against something that they were not at all prepared for. She wasn't able to keep her team alive as they were devoured by this monster leaving her the only survivor. The guilt was extreme and it left her deeply traumatized.   Although she had Winnifred to rely on, Iefyr was pretty shitty towards her and eventually ended up driving her away. They would reconcile this later but she still feels fuckin terrible about it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Iefyr is cunning with good common sense, a drive to hunt and a striking compassion. She is brusque from a life of hard fighting and hunting but she means well and always takes the time to make sure her team mates are ok after a fight. In larger battles contracted with Aay, she spends her time with the medial unit, tending to wounded soldiers even after she has run out of magic.


Leaving allies to fend for themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Iefyr is trying to capture that sense of family she had with her previous team. This new team is doing good work and has a good dynamic but theres a fear of losing them now that she didn't have with the previous team and she's struggling to reconcile that. She works for the company to try to heal herself and bond with these new friends.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Athletics +6
  • Investigation +8
  • Nature +8
  • Perception +10
  • Stealth +10 (advantage)
  • Survival +10
  • Deception -1
  • Intimidation -1
  • Performance -1
  • Persuasion -1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Sex
  • Nature
  • Seeing the relief on the face of her paitents when they realize they aren't going to die.
  • Seeing blatant wealth disparity
  • Suffering in anything

Virtues & Personality perks

Deeply compassionate, she can't abide the suffering (especially physical) of others and does what she can where she can to help.

Vices & Personality flaws

If its not something she can fix by herself like emotional truama she tends to disengage really quickly so as not to get her self hurt.



Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Iefyr




Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Rennura




The two of them butted heads pretty hard when Iefyr first joined. They've since sorted things out after they were both sent on a mission together but they still don't mesh super well together. This is fine since they operate under different branches most times.


Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Winifred




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Iefyr




Member (Vital)

Towards The Windblown - Relationship



The Windblown - Relationship

Company (Important)

Towards Iefyr




Iefyr is looking at this position as not just a way to make money but as a way to find a new family and help heal some of her trauma. She's getting there but she still has a way to go. This does drive her to go above and beyond, especially on Aay's battle missions to take care of her companions and she's earned a stellar reputation among that faction. She can be over protective but its generally appreciated. Iefyr doesn't see herself going anywhere anytime soon.


Close Friend (Important)

Towards Unread Tome



Unread Tome

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Iefyr




The pair met early on before the windblown in Talumin. They had a good relationship and were together for a short while but everything ended on a friendly note. They were recruited together along with Illigith. They work under different founders now but always make time to grab a drink and catch up whenever they're both at the weeping peak

Current Location
Date of Birth
9 Elient 1430 DR
Current Residence
The Weeping Peak
She / Her
Green hair tied in a loose bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Green
140 lbs
Aligned Organization
This article has no secrets.


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