Ilxin Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Young but talented, Ilxin leads the Sapphire Army from the backline with her bow and genius tactics.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent physical condition, she is well trained in both long range and close quarters combat and her lighter agile build suits her dexterous style well.

Body Features

Sapphire blue scales, with some around the back of her head floating, with a second delay after she moves her head. She has a lean, flexible, and tightly muscled build with a broad grin and bright, eager eyes.

Special abilities

  • Archery / Action Surge / Multiattack
  • Distracting Strike / Manuvering Strike / Rally
  • Breath Weapon - Thunder / Gem Flight / Psionic Mind /
  • Dragon Hide / Sharpshooter /

Apparel & Accessories

She generally travels light. Her scales, dexterity and fighting at range provide most of the protection she needs.

Specialized Equipment

  • Ring of Xray Vision
  • +1 Magic Longbow

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born through a magical pact between an archmage of Tymanther and the elder sapphire dragon Chindissal the Quiet, Ilxin was spirited away to the underdark lair of her mother at a very young age. She was born to be a weapon to defend tymanther when she came of age, should the nation still be standing. Under the ruthless tutelage of her mother, Ilxin recieved an education in history, tactics, and martial arts to rival anything found above the surface.   At 16 she was deemed ready to set out and prove herself. One day the call would go out and she would return home, but until then she would need to experience the outside   Like any child sheltered on their parents estate all their lives, the city of waterdeep was a much more than she had barganed for. After a rough start or two and an unexpected beating, she, now thoroughly humbled, stumbled into a chance meeting with Nilnan and Abigail. The pair took pity on Ilxin and helped her get rearmed and avenged. It quickly became apparent that with a little confidence she is extremely capable and, after meeting up with Peszes became the leader of the 4.   For the first time, her life was in her own hands and she had to ask herself what she wanted to do with it. The answer was make more friends, and soon enough they met up with Hormor and Loraleth and formed, at their suggestion, the The Sapphire Army. At Hormor's suggestion they set out to make a name for themselves in the moonshae isles, and quickly started working with The Windblown. Currently, to Ilxin's great pride, they are the most consistantly sucessful new teams out of the Care Callidyr office.




The finest education in History, Math, Science, Tactics and Martial arts from her mother.


Steady employment taking contracts with the Windblown in the Moonshae Isles.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Not to toot her own horn or anything but her mothers training was extremely rigorous
  • She is very proud of her position at the head of the Sapphire Army
  • Their success rate has been exceptional these last few years

Failures & Embarrassments

Ilxin doesn't dwell on her failures, no matter how brutally humbling.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ilxin is quick and clever, she is able to draw on her huge education and adapt to meet any situation. Very enthusiastic, she tends to get caught up in the initiative of new ideas and impatient when they can't be implemented immediately. She has a good heart and generally carries the burden of responsibility well, though she can get a bit anxious about it.

Personality Characteristics


She needs experience. In battle and personally leading groups of people and friends. She will one day save an entire people and she needs to be prepared.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +8
  • Arcana +6
  • Survival +5
  • Athletics +2
  • Performance +1
  • Deception +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Pickles - fuckin loves pickles
  • When a good plan comes together
  • An early morning workout
  • Difficult choices involving her friends
  • Sweet foods
  • People too quick to voilence
Current Location
Date of Birth
1 Deepwinter, 1475 DR
Bright Blue
Floating gem scales
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sapphire Blue Scales
6' 3"
210 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Undercommon
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