Lucinda Bailey

Lucinda Bailey is the sixth President of the New California Republic, as of 2300, she was in her fourth term in office.   Prior to her Presidency, Bailey was the senator from the Hub, and was an outspoken critic of then-president Aaron Kimball's policies of skirting laws and overturning previous legislature in order to benefit his expansion of NCR into the Mojave Wasteland. By the time of the Mojave Campaign's failure, Bailey was a prime candidate to replace the resigned Kimball. Her platform championed a renewed focus on internal affairs and economic repair. She also campaigned on the premise that the presidencies since Tandi had failed repeatedly, and that it was time for another woman in charge.   Despite little progress in any area save infrastructure, she has been elected three more times, due to the fact that she is considered the safest, and most respectable option. Her failure to deal with the economic turmoil, and the rampant corruption led to a very close brush with a secession crisis. Bailey's response was to allow open discourse, and was debating with these potential separatists on live radio, when news broke to the public, and to her, that Caesar's Legion had crossed the Colorado River, seized the town of Verde, and had decimated the border garrison. Bailey managed to bring the nation together in the face of this adversity, but the separatist senator's were growing in number, and connections. Most citizens wonder if the soft-spoken and internally-focused President can continue to keep the nation together, or has the mind or confidence to lead the military against the Legion. To her credit, Bailey seemed to know this as well, when she recommissioned the legendary General Edward Parker to halt the Legion's advance, and break their lines.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
2248 AD 52 Years old
Aligned Organization


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