The Inquisition

The inquisition are feared throughout Slionogoth as they operate as essentially a secret police for the region. The inquisition is almost entirely made up of Owlin although some Yuan-ti take up some of the more higher up roles in the organisation.   The inquisition is responsible for seeking out and dealing with any and all threats to the region and more importantly to the Yuan-ti. As an organisation they answer only to the Lord Inquisitor, although the inquisition will be reluctant to conduct operations on any Yuan-ti and typically any operation involving a Yuan-ti will be conducted by Yuan-ti inquisitors. The Lord Inquisitor resides in the Fortress of the Inquisition and is rarely seen outside of their headquarters. Something that makes having a family as the Lord Inquisitor difficult.   It is not clear the limits of the Lord Inquisitor's power. This is something that only the Lord Inquisitor and the very top of the Yuan-ti know the answer to. It is expected that the Lord Inquisitor has unfiltered power to act as they choose in the interests of the Yuan-ti.   Second to the Lord Inquisitor is the principal inquisotor who resides within the Re-education centre. Unlike the Lord Inquisitor the Principal Inquisitor never leaves this building and as such the people with this rank typically have no family or leave them behind to potentially never see them again.   The following is a list of ranks and the powers gained at said rank. Each rank also has the powers of all previous ranks. Note that this list excludes the Principal Inquisitor as their powers are entirely confined to the Re-education centre.    


Acolytes are the lowest rank in the inquisition. They are also the most numerous. Most towns have one or at most two while major cities will have many more.
Power name description
Detention arrest/detain and/or imprison, overt
Confiscation gathering physical items
Inquisition interrogate
Abductus abduct, covert


Inquisitors of the Inquisitor rank are based in cities and are only seen outside of one when they have a job to do.
Power name description
Extraction torture
Excommunication execute individual
Shrouding covering up information


Radicals are the least numerous of the ranks of the inquisition. They are only ever seen when they have a job. As such their appearance is greatly feared.
Power name description
Re-education psychic mind alteration
Exterminatus exterminate a town/village

Lord Inquisitor

Power name description
Cleansing exterminate a city
leave of absence any of the above when applied to a Yuan-ti. Those involved with such an operation are expected to terminate themselves once the operation is complete with the exception of the Lord Inquisitor who should only terminate themselves if the operation is incorrect or unsuccessful.
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles

Articles under The Inquisition