Re-education centre

The Re-education centre is where The Inquisition brings individuals who require further attention. Many who are brought here are never seen again. Those who return are highly unlikely to reoffend which is testament to the effectiveness of whatever methods are used.   The extent of the building is not known by those who do not work there. Even for those who do work there often do not know the full extent as security access is restricted to more sensitive areas. A large portion of the centre is looked after by Lizardfolk under Owlin instruction. This transitions into a largely Owlin staff with Yuan-ti in charge. The deepest and highest secure areas are limited to Yuan-ti only. Even then, there are sections which are limited to only the most senior Yuan-ti.   The building on the surface looks small but what can be seen is just the security entrance and the building extends deep down under the ocean. Of course this doubles as a remarkably effective safety feature of such a building where vast sections of the interior, or indeed the entire building, can be flooded.   Deep within the Re-education centre is the permanent home of the Principal Inquisitor who has unrestricted rule over the Re-education Centre. A sizable area is dedicated to their personal space which includes private living quarters.  
Parent Location
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