City of the Dead Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

City of the Dead

The City of the Dead was a large cemetery and ward in Waterdeep. Most of the city's dead were buried here. By day, it also doubled as the city's major public park picnic area.   This park-like area was surrounded by high walls. Before the Spellplague, it was often visited during the day by wanderers and the odd picnicker; at night, the gates of the City of the Dead were closed, for it was Waterdeep's graveyard. However, after the Spellplague, it fell into disrepair. The more important personages had their own personal graves or family shrines, while others were confined to larger crypts. The reason for the guards was not to protect the graves, but rather to protect the city from the occasional restless undead creature that did not appreciate its accommodations.
Founding Date
1248 DR
Location under


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