Southern Ward Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Southern Ward

Southern Ward was the southeastern sector of the city of Waterdeep. It was named for the many settlers from southern Faerûn as well as its geographic location within the city. As of the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1487 DR, only outsiders called it South Ward, according to famed author Volo in his Waterdeep Enchiridion. Interestingly, this custom changed from just the opposite, as reported by Volo in his Guide to Waterdeep written in the early 1360s DR.


This was considered the "poor" ward and was often known as Caravan City due to the large numbers of caravan merchants, teamsters and guards that swelled the population of the ward most of the year.   Dust and mud was common on the streets and most buildings were old, multi-story tenements with shops or businesses on the ground floor. Many visited the ward to experience the wonder of the Moon Sphere; a miraculous event occurring on the nights of the full moon in Dancing Court, adjacent to the Jade Dancer; one of the best-known festhalls in the city.

Points of interest

Shops & Businesses

  • Bellister's House: Warehouse for Bellister's Hand; rumored to accept stolen goods.
  • Nueth's Fine Nets: Nets, rope, tarpaulins, hammocks, and similar items.
  • The Old Monster Shop: Unusual creatures bought and sold.
  • Pelauvir's Counter: A general store for non-food items.


  • The Full Cup: Caravan worker's and hauler's choice. Brawls were common.
  • The Red Gauntlet: Old, dim, and mostly quiet.
  • The Spouting Fish: Large, noisy, and popular.


The northern boundary with Trades Ward lay across Telshambra's Street and Caravan Court. On the west and south side was Dock Ward across the Way of the Dragon. To the east, the Ward was bounded by the city walls (circa 1372 DR), specifically the "Trollwall", which included the southern inner gate leading to the Caravan Grounds and the South Gate beyond.   The stretch of buildings and alleyways in this Ward that stood between the Way of the Dragon and the High Road was an area that locals referred to as the Tween Run.
Alternative Name(s)
South Ward, Temple Ward, Caravan City
Location under


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