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Knights with Nothing

  • According Grynson, Pax’s mentor, the Order of Profane Souls were founded in 953 when Ehmar, a lieutenant, disobeyed a direct order and traveled east from the Sword Coast to Impiltur to push back against a demonic incursion. The Blood Hunters were so overwhelmed, they chose to make a deal with a devil in exchange for powers sufficient to push back against the demons. Ehmar and his loyal companions were ultimately successful, but the details of the diabolical deal have been lost to time. (Blood Hunters)
  • According to a document given to Pax by his friend Ezra, the Knights of Holy Judgment were commissioned by Princess Ilmara to rid Impiltur of Blood Hunters, presumably the Order of the Profane Soul in the twelth century. Esra believed this connection was a lead in discovering the truth about the contract. (Physical Document)
  • In Silverymoon, Pax takes the opportunity to learn more about Dornavver, the Demonbane, a legendary sword of Impiltur’s history, wielded by many kings. It was last seen in 1127 DR, when King Imbrar I traveled with his honorguard to face off against bands of marauding hobgoblins before the king and his soldiers mysteriously disappeared. (KWN.Lore Dornavver, the Demonbane)
  • In a document confiscated from Arkmenos, the party learns that Folio, the gith assassin, left Daggerford for Neverwinter because the new Duke of Daggerford proved to be a "more preverse pest" than expected. (KWN.2.8 Confessions & Contracts)
  • After thwarting Arkmenos in Silverymoon, Pax received a vision in which a mysterious being claimed to know Pax’s patron and that it would, “guide your arrows to her throat and let the blood wash clean the debt you owe.” The vision directed him towards a book in the Neverwinter Library for more information as proof and a sign of goodwill. (KWN.Lore Pax's Visions)
  • Aethuriel also received a vision in Silverymoon, when a mysterious being appeared to him claiming to know the fate of the Shieldmaster and leading him towards Everlund to learn more about the Hellriders. (KWN.Lore Aethuriel's Visions)
  • In Everlund, the Blood Hunter, Gerron, told Pax that a retired knight in Daggerford can shed light on the troubled past between the Knights of Holy Judgment and the Blood Hunters. (KWN.Vignette Pax)
  • Across the Sword Coast, including at least Sundabar, Silverymoon, and Everlund, burial sites of the Knights of Holy Judgment have been emptied by a necromancer animating the fallen knights and teleporting them to an interplanar location only known as “Crypt of the Hellriders.” The infernal symbol associated with the teleportation circle is vaguely familiar, resembling an old sigil associated with the Order of Profane Souls. (KWN.3.5 An Order of Magnitude)
  • In the High Forest, The Red Lady shared a vision, describing several scattered images that appear to her. First, a bastard sword, nicked with centuries off wear, ignites in a burst of flame, covered with infernal symbols. Next, a dark sun, an orb of magnificent size radiating dark energy and bright blue bursts of lightning, hanging above a barren wasteland and broken city. Then, the form of a scarred, smiling demon, sweat running down his flesh and a pair of axes in hand. Finally, a precious gem, blood spilled across its facets, spinning violently in place. (KWN.4.4 Celosia Visions)
  • As the rogue Blood Hunter Barmon is defeated, the presence of Yeenoghu takes over his form, speaking to Pax. “Demon Hunter! Send the bitch you serve a message for me. She cannot hope to win against the legions of the Abyss across two fronts. She will kneel before me. And I will savor ripping the flesh from her bones. Just. like. before.” (KWN.4.6 Iron Spikes)
  • Leaving the High Forest, Pax receives a telepathic message from his Ghost Slayer contact, Tordhar. His fellow Blood Hunter believes the necromancer threat animating fallen Knights may be a lich of an infernal nature, but that he needs to talk to someone who knows more. He agrees to meet Pax in Neverwinter in two tenday’s time. (KWN.4.6 Iron Spikes)
  • In Everlund, Aethuriel discovers a copy of “Charge of the Hellriders”, learning that the Hellriders were a Triad-worshipping order that protected the city of Elturel. In the 10th century Dalereckoning, the Hellriders followed their leader, simply referenced as The General, through a portal into Avernus to ambush the devils that had been assaulting the region. In Avernus, they carve their way through hoards of devils before retreating back through the portal, sealing it behind them. (KWN.Lore The Charge of the Hellriders)
  • In Neverwinter, Pax finds a earmarked copy of “Orders from the Outside.” It includes a passage regarding the Blood Hunters that contradicts the oral history he grew up learning. Among other differing details, Ehmar is noted as passing through Elturel in 1233, claiming Impiltur as his home and seeking refuge, the same year demonic forces assaulted the city. Within the margins of this tome, an infernal script reads, “The contract is real, as sharp as a blade. Speak their true names, the terms displayed.” (KWN.Lore Orders from the Outside)

Infernal Interference

  • Meeting with Tordhar, Pax learns that the infernal lich Gristaxadahn, formerly an agent of Helm in the Knights of Holy Judgement, is responsible for the distrubed crypts. He resides in Dragonspear Castle behind the protection of an arcane ward to which the only key is his vassel — an anonymous figure believed to be acting on behalf of his lich patron in Daggerford. (KWN.Vignette Pax)
  • Before arriving in Daggerford, Pax has a visceral flashback of his youth as a new blood hunter studying hemocraft. (II.Lore Pax's Memories) Aethuriel recalls the challenges of training and the oft repeated question, "What does it mean to be a Knight?"
  • In gratitude for saving his life and restoring Daggerford, Sir Isteval donates his collection of records and histories to the Knights of Holy Judgement, with two exceptions. The first is a biography of Elzira, the Knight's founder, which he gifts to Aethuriel. The second is the records of a transfer of ownership for a small keep within Elturel from the city's High Overseer to Ehmar, the founder of the Order of Profane Souls, which he imparts to Pax. ( II.2.6 A City Saved, A City Lost)
  • When Pax reads the contract, he discovers Ehmar's signature includes a hemocraft sigil within it. When he touches it, his blood ignites and he is thrust into an experencial vision of the signing of the deed from Ehmar's perspective. ( II.Lore Ehmar's Contract)
  • Finally face to face with Gristaxadahn, the infernal lich welcomes Pax as, "the heir of the first and bastard of the last" and Aethuriel as "the watcher who does not see himself." (II.2.6 A City Saved, A City Lost)
  • Pax and Aethuriel learn that Gristaxadahn serves Zariel, the archduchess of Avernus. He implies that he and Pax have this in common. The lich explains that the fallen Knights were teleported to Avernus to aid in the Blood War. He also reveals that the shard of the demonic staff they brought with them is a combination of Ao's raw power of creation and the evil chaos incarnate within demons themselves. (II.2.6 A City Saved, A City Lost)
  • In exchange for the shard of the demonic staff, Gristaxadahn provides Pax an unmarked leather pocket notebook which he believes will be of worthwhile value to the Blood Hunter for "where it might lead him and what it might mean for both of them." (II.2.6 A City Saved, A City Lost)
  • Gristaxadahn assures Aethuriel that his intent is to destroy the staff, offering to allow them to join him as he does so. When Pax and Aethuriel agree, he teleports them to a hillside where they are blinded by the light of the Companion hanging over Elturel. Gristaxadahn declares to the Elturans below, "Holy City of Elturel, your doom was destined the day the Companion appeared in the sky to burn away your own corruption. Today, that debt comes due." Gristaxadahn destroys the staff. The resulting arcane explosion interacts with the Companion somehow, causing a magical storm and earthquake. Elturel lifts into the sky and disappears. (II.2.6 A City Saved, A City Lost)


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