Aligned Interests

1492 DR 22 Nightal (The Drawing Down)

The people of Briar Glen are self-destructing, due to the manipulations of the hag coven that haunted their community for months. Now the coven is gone, at the cost of one of our friends. But what was the point of it all? So many things make no sense. We know hags love suffering, but was that all there was to their actions in Briar Glen? After all the time they spent, to risk it all in one fight... if hags are so clever, was that really what happened? Convenient that it occurred so close to Everlund. Convenient also that Granny Annie Cruelty was part of the coven, possibly even its leader.

We need to save Briar Glen. Where do we go from here?

Plot points/Scenes


    Not So Clever
  • Confront Granny Annie Cruelty in her lair
  • Learn about energy collected from Briar Glen
  • Matsui is captured
  • Saber returns
  • Carceri Ice
  • Use Donjon card to reach Kaladarren.
  • Map card works as well.
  • Rescue Matsui from prison.
  • Find clue that they wanted Matsui for his connection to Bahgtru.
  • Another clue?
  • Passing through its adamantine gates finds the remnants of its celestial origins. Halls of gilt-edged marble and alabaster covered in slime and ash.
  • The Hall of Justice is the center of the top floor.
  • Next floor down are similar to holding cells. More or less like a mundane dungeon.
  • Magical seals and protections disintegrating or misoperating.
  • The floors below are where great evils were held. Cells are customized for the prisoner.
  • Matsui is being held somewhere within these levels.
  • Encounter remains of protections on empty cells
  • One place where something truly horrible still exists, corrupting everything around it.
  • Throughout, encounter demodands, fiendish pests, and some undead remnants of the former wardens.


  • Releasing the hope of Briar Glen from the decanter will heal the folk, if done in the village.
  • Graz'zt and/or Fraz-Urb'luu messing with orc gods
  • Corellon supports changes happening in orc god ranks
  • Calls on Mystra as an allied god of magic
  • Andramalech and Granny Annie Cruelty
  • Arislan is a Chosen of Corellon
  • Perytons and gargoyles and wyverns
  • Mountain village e.g. The American, but in Kozakura.
  • Need to convince Matsui to violate his exile.
  • Leads to valley as from King Kong: valley floor is a broken road, ruins line the walls
  • Relations



    Granny Annie Cruelty







  • Oinos
  • The Abyss

  • Plain of Infinite Portals
  • Broken Reach
  • Azzagrat
  • Zelatar
  • Argent Palace

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