If Borodino Sector is on the brink, Tartarus is chaos off the hook. Largely ignored during early expansion efforts, this sector has vast areas that have not been developed by any single governing body or corporation. Instead, any enterprise—large or small—can lay claim to a find there. Other parts of the sector have been engulfed by both the Anglo-Japanese and American arms. Ready for conflict, the Outer Rim Defense Fleet operates out of base Liberty Echo in this sector. The least civilized and least explored area of the Outer Rim, Tartarus is rife with rebellion, open warfare and stellar anomalies. The cutting edge of the Frontier runs right through Tartarus.  




  Crestus Garrison Systems. Major military shipyards, service bases, and staging areas, these UAAC Outer Rim installations are off limits to any unauthorized visitors. While these systems themselves do not contain civilian or corporate colonies, there are colonial facilities for career military personnel and their families. These systems are fortified with deep space sensor arrays and patrolled by system defense frigates.   Located in the American Arm of the Outer Rim and close to the Borodino Frontier, the Crestus Garrison Systems are spread out across the star cluster and labeled Prime, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Forces from the Outer Rim Defense Fleet, Canadian Colonial Armed Forces, the Latin American Colonial Navy, and the United States AeroSpace Force and Colonial Marine Corps are stationed here at the ready. These systems also house top secret military and science facilities.   While the Crestus Garrisons support the combined UAAC forces, other institutions devoted to a single military force exist as well. For example, USCMC bases throughout the Core, Outer Veil and Outer Rim include Orbital Fort Nebraska, Surier 430, Georgia 525, and Third Base, as well as Camp Pendleton on Earth. The Outer Rim Defense Fleet maintains its own service station at Liberty Echo.
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Articles under TARTARUS SECTOR

Cover image: by DALLE


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