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Recorded History

The History of Antreia as preserved in scripture and wall-carvings by the giants, jotnar and the high elves. For the second and third age, most of what is known comes from human scholars. Encompasses the First Age, the Second Age and the Third Age (current).

The First Age

1 - 1824

The First Age is categorised by the spread and eventual fall of the high elven empire of Elvaan in the north, as well as the expansion of various human tribes. The gnomes become their own seperate race, and the orcs and goblins are also created during this time. In the south, the kath'Rakh enslave the vulpin, and the ibirian dwarves go extinct.

  • 1A 1
    The Emergence of the Elven Empire

    Elvaan, the empire of the elves consisting of both sun elves and moon elves is founded after several large elven kingdoms unite. The heart of the empire were in the region of Everfall of today, but the empire eventually spread to encompass most of today's Karamorn, northern Veileux, Calen, southern and central Callimoria, southern Deirim and The Dustlands.

  • 1A 500
    The Birth of The Gnomes
    Population Migration / Travel

    One smallfolk tribe split from their forest dwelling brethren, moving underground and eventually discovering aether crystals, which, after years of being exposed to crystallized mana in small quantities, speeds up their evolution. Their appearance changes from their elfin cousins, and they become more specialized for subterranean living.

    More reading
    The Gnomes
  • 1A 550
    Spread of Kath'Rakh
    Population Migration / Travel

    The kath'rakhi people become more populous in the western and the eastern Samnite Desert of Ibira, driving out other humanoid races.

    More reading
    The Kath'Rakh
  • 1A 700
    The Expansion of Human Tribes
    Population Migration / Travel

    The human tribes, originally from more northern regions due to being descendants of the jotnar, move further and further south. They primarily settle around today's Thenia, Lostrath, Deirim and Callimoria. Spreading slowly from these areas to eventually clash with the elves in the south.

  • 1A 1280
    The Founding of Lostrath

    Human tribes in the north band togheter under one jarl, and eventually settle togheter, fouding the region of Lostrath. Not a kingdom at first, but the nation, through years of more local government, eventually adopt Dawnish customs during the Kingdom of Dawn's rule of the north, and the kingdom of Lostrath, like we know it today, develops.

  • 1A 1455
    The First Elemental Rift
    Geological / environmental event

    Elementals from all four Elemental Planes invade Gaea through elemental rifts in what is known as the First Elemental Rift. The people of Antreia struggle to drive them back, but the combined force of the High Elven Empire manage to close of the portals and kill all remaining elementals.

  • 1A 1400
    Humans Incorporated Into the Elven Empire
    Cultural event

    The humans continue to spread into elven territory, and after decades of fighting, the elves eventually conquer and incorporate several human societies into their vast empire. Although not slaves, the humans are treated badly, like second-rate citizens, and violence and oppression instigated by racism is normal. Today's Karamorn and Veileux were the regions of the Elven Empire with the highest populations of humans.

  • 1A 1500
    Ibiran Dwarves go Extinct

    The Ibirian dwarves, who mostly lived in and under the Maecian Mountain range, as well as the Rustrock Highlands, go extinct for unknown reasons. In a matter of just a few years, records show that the race just disappeared. Some attribute it to destruction caused by The First Elemental Rift.

    More reading
    The Dwarves
  • 1A 1550 - 1A 1650
    Elven Infighting
    Political event

    Tensions between different castes in the elven empire eventually lead to a period of conflicts and rebellions. Groups of elves break away from the empire, and the imperial elves who retaint their loyalty to Elvaan start calling themselves high elves to distinguish themselves from the others.

    More reading
    The Sun Elves
  • 1A 1700
    The Birth of The Wild Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    A group of previously low-caste elves who break free from Elvaan after a bloody rebellion settle in several locations accross Antreia, both in the north and in the south. Mostly concentrating around plainlands in the north, and tropical jungles in the south, the elves become known as wild elves due to their more aggressive disposition to other races, other elves in particular.

  • 1A 1700
    The Birth of The Wood Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    A group of elves who break free from The Elven Empire start calling themselves wood elves after they are granted refuge in the feywilds by the goddess Eyr. Some also settle in the deep forests of Calen, retaining their connection to the goddess.

    More reading
    The Wood Elves
  • 1A 1780
    The Wild Elves Unite
    Political event

    The various wild elf tribes of the north unite under a common leader, preparing to go to war against The High Elven Empire.

  • 1A 1792 - 1A 1799
    The Wild Elven War and The Birth of The Orcs
    Military action

    The united wild elf tribes of the north go to war against the high elves. After years of little progress, they use demonic power that grants them greater strength and stamina, but in return turn change their appearance. The wild elves, after their demonic transformation, are called "orcs" by the high elves, a derogatory name meaning "savage". The wild elves adopt this moniker.   Despite their new powers, the orcs lose and are greatly reduced in numbers. They scatter, again forced to live in smaller tribal societies around northern Antreia.

    More reading
    The Orcs
  • 1A 1794
    Enslavement of Smallfolk by Orcs

    The orcish tribes, settling in new areas where populations of smallfolk live, enslave groups of smallfolk of both elfin and gnomish ancestry. The orcs turn these smallfolk into creatures known as goblins by imbuing them with fiendish powers, in an attempt to create more soldiers to fight the high elves.

  • 1A 1795
    The Spread of Goblins
    Population Migration / Travel

    Many goblins escape from orcish control and gather togheter in tribes. Many move underground, while some move out into the forests and grasslands of Antreia. With their heightened fertility, the goblins spread very quickly, becoming a menace for humans, orcs, smallfolk and elves alike.

  • 1A 1800
    Human Tribes Settle in The South
    Population Migration / Travel

    The human tribes of the north keep migrating southwards by ship, and eventually end up settling in several locations in Ibira.

  • 1A 1805 - 1A 1824
    The Human-Elven Wars
    Military action

    The high elves, weakened by their war with the orcs, now have a new problem: the human tribes that have gradually spread accross Antreia, now encroach closer and closer into high elven territory. Eventually a war breaks out, uniting the tribal humans and the humans living under elven control, against the high elves. They are led by Thalon Dawn, a human demigod blessed by both the god of knowledge; Vathyre, and the goddess of war; Imir.

  • 1A 1820
    Kath'Rakh Enslave the Vulpin
    Cultural event

    The kath'rakh enslave the smaller humanoid species known as vulpin who dwelled in the Samnite Desert. Their origins before this event is unknown however.

  • 1A 1824
    The Fall of The High Elven Empire
    Military action

    The High Elven Empire of Elvaan fall to the humans after many years of war. Gradually the high elves lose the areas of today's Callimoria, Karamorn, Veileux, and Deirim, only retaining control over Everfall and The Dustlands, formerly known as The Moonglades. The human hero Thalon Dawn, leads the final strike against the heart of the empire, which would lead to their permanent loss of territory and influence in the area in the year 1824.

    More reading
    The Sun Elves

The Second Age

1 - 400 (1825 - 2224)

The second age consists of the emergence of Thalonese religion, the Dawnish Dynasty and the Kingdom of Dawn, and the eventual birth of The Seven Mortal Sins, as well as the emergence of several other human kingdoms. The jotnar also settle on the largest island in the north, the high elves split into two opposing factions, and the gnomes emerge. In Ibira, the Ibiran humans spread and they survive an elemental invasion, which sees the humans of Ibira band togheter and later found the Ibiran empire. The vulpin rebel against the kath'rakh.

  • 2A 2
    Founding of The Kingdom of Dawn

    The humans of today's Karamorn and Veileux, now in control of the area previously home to the high elves of Elvaan, band togheter under the leadership of the human hero Thalon Dawn. After two years of discussions, they found the new kingdom of Dawn, encompassing today's Karamorn and Veileux. Thalon becomes the first regent of Dawn and his dynasty becomes known as the Dawnish Dynasty.   The Kingdom of Dawn, although a kingdom, also fairly quickly developed a limited form of democracy where the most influential members of society voted on matters for the betterment of society. Both men and women of the Dawnish Dynasty became rulers during this time and the region prospered both when it came to technology and the arcane.

  • 2A 20
    Spread of Humanity
    Population Migration / Travel

    The other human tribes who initially emerged around the area of today's Lostrath continue to migrate to every corner of the continent, in both the north and in Ibira. They settle in large numbers, some joining the Kingdom of Dawn in what is today Karamorn and Veileux, while others create kingdoms and city-states in other areas on Antreia.   Many other races are driven back from their ancestral homes. They quickly become unpopular with many other races on the continent.    There is also infighting between human tribes and kingdoms during this time. Many try to attack the Kingdom of Dawn but it only grows stronger and more influential.

  • 2A 21
    Founding of The Kingdom of Callimoria

    The humans and half-elves who previously dwelled in Callimoria under the rule of the Elven Empire eventually band togheter to pick up the pieces left by the elves. They create new settlements, towns and cities and eventually create the Kingdom of Callimoria after many years of fighting and diplomatic missions between human tribes and half-elves.

  • 2A 47
    Thalonese Religion Emerges
    Religious event

    Thalonese religion, a branch of The Fate emerges after the death of the now legendary hero Thalon, hero of the human-elven rebellions and first king of Dawn. The believers of the Thalonese branch of The Fate believe that, after defeating the empire, Thalon impressed Ymir and Vathyre, god of war and of knowledge, and that they granted him divine powers and a seat with the gods in death, due to his cunning and bravery.

  • 2A 145
    The Jotnar Conquer Northgaard
    Military action

    After years of warring with a now extinct race of humanoid bear-like people, the jotnar and a smaller group of frost giants conquer the large island of Northgaard, naming it such and building permanent hamlets and villages.

  • 2A 152
    The Divison of The High Elves

    After a period of economic and territorial loss following the war with the humans, there is strife in what is left of the High Elven Empire. Elvaan is officially abolished, and instead the high elves settle into two new, opposing, alliances, their society splitting sun elves and moon elves who previously lived in harmony. The moon elves gain control of the eastern area of The Moonglades, today known as the Dustlands, while the sun elves continue their governing of the area of Everfall to the west of the mountain range; The Great Divide.

  • 2A 200
    Gnomes Invent Manatech
    Cultural event

    The gnomes who had up untill this period lived in deep underground burrows around the area of the Emerald Steppe, discover the potential of mana crystals, which they had now learned to handle without long-lasting negative effects from things like the crystal sickness. The gnomes emerge from their burrows and use their new inventions, which harnesses the magick of the mana crystals, to drive away predators and aggressive humanoid races alike, managing to create a safe territory for themselves without much issue.   The gnomes continue developing their research, and eventually dub this technology based on the mana crystals; manatech.   The gnomes and the humans of Dawn develop a mutually beneficial relationship of trade and knowledge-sharing in the years following this event, further developing manatech and the Kingdom of Dawn prosper technologically.

  • 2A 254
    Start of The Deep Wars
    Military action

    The goblins grow increasingly numerous due to their heightened fertility, thriving in the underground. These goblins start encroaching closer and closer to the Dwarven Kingdoms deep in the mountains. The dwarves drive out the goblins time and time again, although the continuous war takes its toll on their economy, which forces the otherwise isolationist dwarves to open trading routes with the surfacers.

    More reading
    The Dwarves
  • 2A 266
    Dwarven Kingdoms
    Cultural event

    At around the year 2A 266, after the goblins have been continuously attacking dwarven settlements in the north, ten large dwarven kingdoms incorporate smaller settlements into their fold, creating hubs of trade that are connected by an underground network of tunnels. Vardarhal, Bighrau, and Dharindur are among the kingdoms that emerge around this time.

    More reading
    The Dwarves
  • 2A 267
    The Seven Mortal Sins
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Seven humans; scholars from Dawn, try to usurp the gods of The Fate to gain power over life and death. They are ultimately unsuccesful and get punished by the goddess Rapha and the god Rashjo, who turn them into the Seven Mortal Sins, corrupted by fiendish magicks and cast into the fiendish planes as punishment.   This also breaks the covenant that protects mortals from the fiendish planes for the humans, and henceforth all human souls are susceptible to a corruption that can turn them into something called a "thiefling".

  • 2A 268 - 2A 273
    The Purge
    Religious event

    After the birth of the Seven Deadly Sins, the people of Dawn become increasingly suspicious and wary of the Magi dwelling in the kingdom. A crusade led by the Fate called "The Purge" kills and drives away most of the Magi humans in the nation. Many flee south.   The Fate also officially bans all tenth level spells after The Sins used them to attempt to usurp the gods. The rest of the world adopts this ban.

  • 2A 269
    Birth of The Raven Queen
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The leader of The Sins, a half-Dawnish, half-Magi warlock from Dawn, survives the wrath of the gods. The years following the fall of The Sins, she defeats the guardian of death, The Raven, and she becomes the new Raven as a result. Adopting the moniker The Raven Queen, she starts a crusade against the gods, seeking power and freedom from, what she calls, the tyranny of The Circle. (The Circle meaning the circle of life and death)

  • 2A 271 - 2A 281
    Civil War in Dawn
    Military action

    Tensions are high in Dawn due to the breaking of the convenant and the actions of The Seven Sins. A civil war breaks out in The Dynasty after the twin sons of a dying monarch start fighting for the crown.   The Magi who are left after The Purge, most who's families used to be high-ranking nobles in the large cities, flee to the south as a result of The Purge and the civil war. None are left in the north.   Eventually tthe war in the royal family leads to the divison of the north and the south of Dawn. The new kingdoms that emerged; called Karamorn and Veileux respectivelly, remain somewhat hostile to one another, but eventually settle in a lukewarm alliance.   This war is popularily called "the ten-year war"

  • 2A 275 - 2A 283
    The Magi Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    Due to The Purge, many Magi humans in the north flee southwards, settling in northern Ibira.

  • 2A 276
    Founding of The Kingdom of Karamorn

    The Kingdom of Karamorn is founded.

  • 2A 281
    Founding of The Kingdom of Veileux

    The Kingdom of Veileux is founded

  • 2A 321
    The Raven Queen Conquers The Fortress of Memories
    Military action

    The Raven Queen, after planning for decades, manages to wrest control from Ubris and Nave over a small part of the shadowfell with the help of her followers. This area she dubs "The Fortress of Memories".

  • 2A 320
    The Second Elemental Rift
    Geological / environmental event

    The Second Elemental Rift sees the arrival of a large army of elementals, their goal to conquer the south of Antreia and its surrounding islands. The humans of Ibira band togheter, and with the help of the Kath'Rakh they manage to drive back the invading forces. Primordia, the large continent to the east is conquered, however.

  • 2A 327
    Unification of Ibira
    Political event

    After the Second Elemental Rift, the humans of the south of Antreia; Ibira, having found common ground in the war, eventually unify through a combination of diplomacy and various military campaigns by the legendary human man later known as the first Caesar of the Ibiran Empire: Caesar Augustus Latinius Titus "Felix". Caesar Titus, who was originally from Latium, made Latium the newly founded empire's centre, and eventually formed provinces from the previous human kingdoms of the south.

  • 2A 333
    Founding of The Kingdom of Deirim

    Human tribes of the area north of the Moonglades band togheter to create a united force agains the Moon Elves in the south due to distrust lingering from the days of the Elven Empire. The Kingdom of Deirim is born.

  • 2A 352 - 2A 400
    The Twilight War
    Military action

    War breaks out between the moon elves of The Moonglades and the sun elves of Everfall after tensions have been high for decades.

    The Dustlands
    More reading
  • 2A 400
    The Lunar Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Lunar Cataclysm, a disaster of till now unseen proportions breaks apart the moon of Selune and sends a piece falling down on the home region of the moon elves, The Moonglades. This event is instigated by the sun elves, who through powerful magics rivaling spells of the tenth level, manage to reach the moon in their attempt to weaken the moon elves and their patron goddess and aspect of the moon; Selune.   This splitting of the moon results in the seperation of the goddess Selune into two entities. Selune, the source, falls into a deep slumber, while Shar, the newly born Shar of Selune, gains the powers of the slumbering goddess. Although the exact whereabouts of Shar is unknown, she has gained a large following after the events of the Lunar Cataclysm.   The Moonglades is turned into a barren wasteland following the fall of the piece of the moon, and the drow is created from the remaining moon elves, ending the war as well as making the entirety of the moon elven race go extinct in one single event.

    The Dustlands
    More reading
    The Lunar Cataclysm

The Third Age

1 - Present (2225 - Present)

The Third Age, the current age starts at the Lunar Cataclysm and the birth of the drow and the extinction of the moon elves. Calen emerges as an internationally recognized city-state, and Thenia becomes a republic. The dwarven-goblin war reaches a conclusion with the mass-extinction of most of the dwarven populous, and the Northern Alliance is formed. In Ibira the United Ibirian Empire is formed, conquering large parts of the south, the kath'rakhi people join the empire, and xashal refugees arrive on the eastern shores of Ibira.

  • 3A 54
    Emergence of Calen

    Arawynn Mistwood, last remaining Moon Elf comes to the area which is today known as Calen, and she is given sacntuary by the Wood Elves who inhabit the forests. Accepted by the people of the forest, she eventually gathers a following and they found the City-State of Calen, with Arawynn Mistwood as their queen.

  • 3A 58
    The Birth of Valeria Mistwood
    Life, Birth

    Valeria Mistwood, daughter of Arawynn Mistwood, the queen of Calen, is born.

    More reading
    The Wood Elves
  • 3A 66
    The Birth of Lolth
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the current queen of the drow; Lolth of house Myrahel.

    The Dustlands
    More reading
    The Drow
  • 3A 87
    The Rah’Hazari Join the Ibiran Empire
    Political event

    The United Ibirian Empire emerges after the Ibirian Humans conquer large parts of the South. The Rah’Hazari Pridelanders join the empire.

  • 3A 121
    Conclusion of The Deep Wars
    Military action

    The Deep Wars reaches a conclusion after a great retaliation from a combined Goblin force, results in major losses for the Dwarves, many of their underground kingdoms falling to ruin and their population decimated beyond recognition. The remaining kingdoms become closed off from the surface.

    More reading
    The Dwarves
  • 3A 140
    Emergence of Surface Dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Some Dwarves migrate to the surface to live in Human cities, primarily in Lostrath, become known as Surface Dwarves by their underground brethren

    More reading
    The Dwarves
  • 3A 218
    Founding of The Republic of Thenia

    After years of infighting in the region, between minor nobles who all want to be king, a council of wealthy nobles decide that Thenia will become a republic, for the people, run by a market economy. The Republic of Thenia is founded.

  • 3A 280
    Expansion of The Ibiran Empire
    Political event

    The Ibirian Alliance becomes increasingly expansionistic, relationship between Ibira and the North worsen

    More reading
    The Ibiran Empire
  • 3A 282
    Ithil Naamarie is Born
    Life, Birth

    Ithil Naamarie is born in the Farsong Forest in Calen.

  • 3A 282
    Zenan Goldstrider is Born
    Life, Birth

    Zenan Goldstrider is born in the Sun Elf city of Anar Tal.

    More reading
  • 3A 286
    The Northern Alliance
    Political event

    The Northern Alliance is formed between all Northern human kingdoms

  • 3A 296
    Isabis Kefa ti Hamidi is Born
    Life, Birth

    Isabis Kefa ti Hamidi, the Vulpin known as "Isa", is born in the Red Desert in Ibira.

    The Red Desert
  • 3A 296
    Vanil Tailsong is Born
    Life, Birth

    Vanil Tailsong, aka "Poncho", is born in Amberwood in Callimoria.

  • 3A 297
    The Jotnar join The Northern Alliance
    Political event

    The Northgaard Jotnar and Lostrath become official allies, Lostrath gifting the Jotnar with some of their land, in return the Jotnar join the Northern Alliance

    More reading
    The Jotnar
  • 3A 310
    The Third Elemental Rift
    Geological / environmental event

    An Elemental Rift opens in the waters of the Azuremist Sea due to some unknown magick. A tidal wave swallows Halgrave an independent city-state off the coast of Thenia, and the wave brings both the Tideborn curse and the Sirens with it. Halgrave is lost and becomes known as the Azure Isles henceforth.

  • 3A 312
    The Long Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    Xhashal refugees from Primordia arrive on the eastern shores of Ibira after a perilous journey accross the ocean of clouds on small sailboats. Only about 20 percent of the refugees survive the journey. They are granted land and protection and are incorporated into the Empire.