
An Etruscan domina (noblewoman) she was the daughter of a Praetor (the same Praetor who once owned M'fume - she saw M'fume almost as a father figure because he father was very busy and he raised her) and later the widowed wife of a Praetor (with whom she had two daughters; Julia and Octavia).   Comfortable and indolent because of inherited wealth, Claudia was unconcerned with politics and lived a somewhat degenerate life, enjoying the attentions of virile slaves she rented from the gladiator cells beneath the colosseum (a practice she introduced her daughters to when they were old enough). It was during one such tryst with the Almaric slave Kurt that she learned M'fume had been captured by Brutus and made a slave again.   Motivated to right this injustice, she slipped Kurt a key (which she had obtained by various persuasive methods) and worked with the Dragonriders Gin & Meade to strike against Brutus and free his slaves. During the fight in the arena, she protected the Dragonriders by slitting the throat of a legionnaire about to shoot them with a scorpio and afterwards was enlightened by the goddess of Love (while her lover Kurt was enlightened by the god of the Sun). The two of them realized the error of their lascivious ways and founded the Fireheart Cult.


Family Ties

Married to Kurt

Religious Views

Devotee of the goddess of Love (specifically the Fireheart Cult.)

Wealth & Financial state

Inherited significant wealth from her father and deceased husband.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Domina (lady in Etruscan)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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