The Restoration Order
The Restoration Order is one of the recognized World gtovernments of Gaia. It is akin to the United Nations of Earth and oversees all political, diasters and threats to Gaia as a whole with its member nations.
It is rivaled by the Kharis Order which operates more like a Hegemony. The Restoration Order was the government that rose to power after the Alliance of Man had fallen in Niith.
"Out of the three largest world governments left, The Restoration Order is by far teh biggest, and unfortunatly the easiest to Corrupt. They mean good, but some had taken advantage of it in the past."Unity was the city built in honor and to house the Restoration Order's Parlimentary Building, Making The Benetian Confederation the host nation.~Senator Aven Kasera, Meridian
The Restoration Order operates on a global Senate of its host nations, where all issues are discuessed and pushed to be solved. Every Five years, the RO meets to elect a new Primarch to lead the nations in all thigns Global, and even recently galacticaly. Each Nation sends a senator and a team, of advisors, usually elected by the people of the said nation.
The Senator is chosen amongst the elected advisors every five years as well. An election for each advisor hapens every ten years. Meaning a senator can be chosen for ten consecutaive years, and even then some if they manage to run and win a relection bid at thier home nation.
The Primarch is elected from the senators, and acts as the voice of the council for five or more years. This election is internally decided amongst the incumbants that already hold positions within the Restoration Order Unity Couincil.
Like all organizations, thjere are forces that can influance elections and even more so with a democractically ran instituion like the Restoration Order. It has its history of corrupt l eaders and politicians that cause global catastrophies. The silver lining is, they often reshuffles the entire team of people once discovered and dealt with. They can also be amongst the other governments that have thier own history of sham business dealings.Public Agenda
The Public Agenda of the Restoration Unity Council is to provide forum and debate for all member nations in reguards to the future of Gaia. Great wars were fought between governments during world wars. If said wars happen, the Restoration Order will take control of its Pledged member nations militaries and send them to wherever they are needed.
The total point and ideal of this government is to maintain peace and cooperations between its member states and neutral parties. They encourage neutral nations to join thier cause too, and provide aid to those who need it, members or not. It has the history of maintainign the longest periods of peace out of all the governments, and has rarely started wars with others.
If any of its memebr states becomes a target of attack, it will respond as if it were an atack on it all. However if a lone member nation engages another without the full support of the Restoration Order, the Council will not provide interferance unless civilians are invovled and causing crisis.
The Assets can be considered as its member nations. It has a few founding members invovled which hold more sway and influence then lesser entities that joined. These current member states are as follows.
-The Kingdom of Mythia
-The Benetian Confederation
-The Telosian Islands
-The Joharan Consulate
-The Guild of Lore
-The Celestial Mandate
-The Merchantile Republic of Bellings
-The Republic of Massiez'Laire
-The Ician Nation
-The Orthodoxy of Etrova
-The Bellendeere Agrarian Republic
-The Merchant Authority of Garsahl
-The Meridian Confederacy
-The Brotherhood of Mercy
The Military of the Restoration Order is usually the contributed military assets of each member state that is placed under the control of teh Guardians and Sentinels. It is thier duty to build, train and outfit the military forces to modern standards to enforce and protect any and all Restoration Order member states and third parties if need be.
Thier military is the combined aid and man power of all member states who contribute to the alliance's technology, training, and equipment to a standing army.
The Guardians
The known Military Special Operations teams are lead by the organization of the Guardians. They maintain control of spec-ops and Specilist Military action. They are also seen as the face of the Restoration Order's Military, and often given field command over thier deployed armies.The Sentinels
The Sentinels are the Intelligance arm of the Restoration order. They are the spies, and information gatherers that provide and extract information vital to operations and justification of action. They are given control of the subversive elements of the Restoration Order's Military.The Proctor Company
The Proctors are logistics. They are in chagre of suply lines and asset gathering to all arms of the military under control of theRestoration Order. They also field and train the medics given to both branches of the military. They are also the most Secretive of the three branches of the military orders.Technological Level
The Technology of the restoration order is top of the line allways up to date to modern standards. Each member nation provides assets to the Restoration ORder, in which Initaites and impliments all manners of technology and modern weapons and equipment. To the galactic community, the Tech-level of the Military of the Restoration order is usually the badge of honor shown. They represent all of Gaia under the Restoration Order and offer the best top of the line levels of technology and advancements.
The Proctor Company is the unit in charge of modernizing the military and providing all needed impliments to be ready and waiting call. Each of the divions of the military have a face to play when representing Gaia in the newer revealed Universe.
Unity, Prosperity, One
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Alternative Names
The New Restoration Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Gaios Dollar
Legislative Body
Unity Council
Judicial Body
Executive Body
Guardians, Under Unity Council Command