Background Career: Technomancer

Once you roll your 1 Engineer term your final path is the tech mages now there are two school ones that go full magic and the harder one where you go to blend tech and magic so here are the stats of the tech mage path.   The only class you can add XP to is Techomage.     Continued employment: DC 14 ( EDU)   -1 to roll for each career outside the ones they need for this career   Basic Training: First 2 years of first terms they teach you how to blend magic and tech and use your engineering skills to understand how they interact. In the first term, you don't get to roll XP and have a -2 to your commission roll.   Requirements: Int 12+ Dex 12+ Wis 9+   Master's degree (any)   1 term of Engineer passed   Ranks        
RankTech WizardTech Archmagi
1 Apprentice Computer Use(Any) Tech Magi NEW SKILL: Technical Skill EDU Restricted
2 Trainee Advance Mage
3 Jouneymen +1 Int Future Magi +1 Dex;
4 Jr. Wizard Mecha Mage Restricted: Cyberarcanist
5 Wizard Craft magi-tech Grand Tech Magi
6 Gran Wizard Techomagic Specialist Restricted: Use Alien Device Wis
RollMissionSurvive(EDU)Promo(INT)Commission(EDU)XP (INT)
1-4 Guard supply drop 4 11 18 15
5-10 Defend Supply Point 4 12 15 16
11-14 Engage magical beasts 6 10 13 12
15-17 Capture Land 5 12 15 12
18-19 Front Line Push 7 10 12 12
20 Attack enemy Magi 8 6 6 5
Roll 2d6 MISHAPS
2 Severely Injured – Roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
3 You are caught using your powers in public. Gain an Enemy and must pay a fine of 5000 cr.
4 You summon something dangerous. Lose one point of Int. You also suffer from persistent and terrifying nightmares New conditions You gain Post Trauma Stress
5 You are experimented with magical beasts that you blended tech into but they escape. You are barred from studying magic. Gain the enemy of a magical intelligent beast.
6 You are asked to use your magic powers in an unethical fashion. Accept and you may continue in this career, but you gain an Enemy Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies . Refuse and you must leave this career.
7 Injured – Roll on the Injury Table.
8 An anti-magic cult or gang attempts to expose or attack you. Roll 1d6: on 1 or 2, you are injured and must roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage e; on 3 or 4, lose one Social Standing; on 5 or 6, nothing else happens, but you still must leave this career.
9 Your gift forces a former ally to turn on you and betray you. Turn one Ally or Contact into an Enemy. If you have no Allies or Contacts, gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
10 Your magic powers are discovered by your friends and co-workers and they turn on you. Gain 1d3 Enemies. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
11 You are suspected of using your abilities to cheat and steal from others. Lose one Social Standing and gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
12 You dabble in the art of summoning and bring something that kills many of your fellow wizards. You are forced to flee with only the clothing on your back. Lose all Benefit rolls for this career. Gain Diplomacy, Stealth, or Bluff. Career Skills
Roll the dice 2d6Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 Your abilities make you uncomfortable to be around. One Contact or Ally becomes a Rival. If you have no Contacts or Allies, your abilities attract a Rival anyway. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
13 You are working with a new tech project and explodes Roll on Injuries and Medical Coverage twice and take higher roll.
14 You are attacked because you are suspected of installing magic tech into someone without a license. Throw Dexterity DC 12 or Diplomacy DC 12 to avoid a roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
15 You come into contact with an anti-magic cult. Throw Bluff DC 15 or Social Standing DC 12. If you fail, lose one Benefit roll or roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
16-20 Being special has cost you everything. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to avoid losing one Benefit roll. If pass ass Spellcraft.
21 You have a chance to use your powers unethically to better your standing. If you accept, throw Spellcraft DC 12. If you succeed, gain an extra Benefit roll or +1 Social Standing. If you fail, lose one Social Standing instead.
22 You are asked to volunteer for an experiment. If you choose to volunteer, throw Spellcraft DC 15. If you succeed, gain extra benefit roll. If you fail, roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
23 You are contacted by an enemy organization or government. If you chose to become an agent for them, throw Spellcraft DC 12. If you succeed, gain Bluff. If you fail, gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
24 You are involved in testing and recruiting potential mages with magical talents. Throw Intelligence DC 12. Gain one of mysticism or knowledge(arcane)
25 You spend time working in a mundane society. Throw Education DC 12 to gain Craft(any) or Profession(any)
26-30 You use your abilities to cheat at games of chance. Throw Spellcraft DC 12 or Bluff DC 15. If you succeed, gain an additional Cash Benefit roll and gain Streetwise Wis Skill Restricted or Restricted Skills: Gambling INT . If you fail, gain an Enemy and take a -1 on the next Benefit roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles. Gain a psion Contact. Lose a rank for the taint of knowing them.
42 You find an associate who has psionic powers, you give them a choice to join or run. If you join the government organization, gain a psion ally. If choose to run, gain an Extra Cash roll and gain psion enemy Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
43 You assist in tracking down a rogue psion. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain one of Perception, Stealth, or Bluff. You may transfer to the Agent career next term without making a Qualification roll.
44 You are forced to move around as you look for rare tech for a project. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Fly, Pilot, or Ride.
45 You find a forbidden book and study it. You can add 2d4 spells of the enchantment school from PF core book. They came to be of any level up you your max level-1.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Restricted: Jack of all Skills
49-51 A criminal gang finds out about your abilities. If you cooperate, throw spellcraft DC 12 to gain Stealth and Bluff and Streetwise Wis Skill Restricted , or martial weapon feat(or exotic feat if have martial feat). If you don’t cooperate, gain the gang as 1d6+2 Enemies. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
52 You are involved in complex negotiations for a psion release. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
53 You dedicate yourself to mastering your abilities. Throw Spellcraft DC 12. If you succeed, reduce the time to finish your term by 1 year.
54 Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed add Any Computer Use skill (any)
55 You are given advanced training in a non-magic field. Throw Education DC 12 to gain any non-magic career skill.
56-60 Your hard work is acknowledged. Gain a +1 on your next Advancement roll.
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid.
62 You find a hybrid item. Choose any item that is up to level 8 and apply hybrid to it.
63 You create a new spell that helps the school. Gain DM +1 on one benefit throw.
64 You save an important person from a curse and they offer you a Travelers Aid Society TAS membership.
65 You gain a mentor that has a huge spell library. If you keep on his good side he allows you to use it for research and learning spells. Gain ally
66 You defeat a demon set free by a student of the school, saving face and lives. You gain +2 on benefit roll and grain a rank or promoted plus a magical item benefit see Rewards and benefits
Background Career: Alternate class abilities  

Living Deck- Magic Hack

  Instead of a magic hack, the Techonmancer can choose this: You no longer need a cyberdeck to hack and enter VR space. You need a data jack and when you plug in you use your own stats for the Icon. See Technomancer Living Icons Magic Hack  

Magic in the Machine - Magic Hack

This magic hack allows the technomancer to thread effects and help reduce fade by paying some of the cost with spell slots. See Magic Hack: THREADING  

Summon Sprite - Magic Hack

This magic hack allows the technomancer to summon sprites to help him in the fight for the matrix. See Sprites  

Charm the machine

By taking this option, when you cast an enchantment spell your enchantment can affect robots and AIs.  

Forceful Upload

Your touch can force any intelligent creature to connect to the Public Grid where you are standing. At 1st level, this is a melee touch attack, at 3rd level, and every 3 levels you add 30 feet to the range. It is a ranged touch attack up to 30 feet away. If the target fails a Will Save DC 10+ Int Bonus + 1/2 your character level they are connected to the matrix using AR for a full 10 combat round. The technomancer can then target them with anything they can use that someone on Matrix is open to. This action is a Move action. The target does not even have to have a data jack. The other option when you take this is you can bring up your Int modifier with you when you connect to Matrix. All those that come with you would become living icons and calculate stats as living icons when you enter. They would share your programs but could not use anything that uses Fade. If they move more than 100 feet on the matrix away from you they drop out and suffer dumpshock  

Machine Whisper

With a Cha check DC 20 + Tier or level of item +2 per PL over your own, you can get the tech to give you 1 piece of info that it has been part of(like he was part of the battle of AIs) or something that was spoken while it was in the hands of the speaker. You can do this 1/week and can go back up to 1 year per Techomancer level.

Muster Out


Cash (50% spent in college magic shop) 1d6

  1 10k   2 25k   3 50k   4 75k   5 125k   6 250k   7 500k    

Material Benefits 1d6

  1 magic tech weapon (2.5k max)   2 Magic item( 3k max)   3 +1 Int   4 5 magic tech spells ( any level) and scroll copies of them   5 magic tech power armour( up to 25k value) ***   6 vehicle magi tech(special from order) **   7 Minor Staff of the Magi (Non artifact) **   ** only can roll once *** if roll rolled more than once add to together to get higher value suit. Both above are partial owed by the magi guild and only gain full ownship after many missions completed. If they lose standing with magi guild could lose these.