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Kettel lies in the south of Olivia, on two pieces of land: one island named Aradea, and a piece of Olivia, affectionately know as 'the snake', or 'the dragon'. They are separated from the other regions by water and a range of mountains known as the Kettelese Buffer. The region is mostly savannah, with wet and dry seasons instead of a distinct set of four.   Within the head of the dragon are the Kettelese Steppes that make up large swatches of rough terrain and dry grassland that sees very little in rain and water. To the east sit the Palm Wetlands, an area that is much more blessed when it comes to rainfall, with the major rivers of the region flowing this part. In the strip of the land that's known as the Snake's Jaw, the land rises and falls in red rock in unsteady plateaus.   The Kettelese people that live in the region are an unsteady peoples, with and easy independence amongst the cities about the region - every city is able to find wealth on its own and there is little in the way of a united Kettelese culture, in the same way that there is no united F'yorish culture. However, there are aspects that are specifically Kettelese: robes for wear, religious beliefs in water being the life of the earth, livestock being sacred, a focus on medicine, astronomy, and mathematics in their sciences.


The Kettelese Buffer

The range of mountains that border the north of Kettel are a frantic line of tall hills that cut through the land as if the gods were walling it off. In some cities, the myth exists that the Kettelese peoples were incredibly studious and clever, that the gods were concerned that they would rise to their own power, and so they cut them off from the rest of the continent.   The name 'Kettelese Buffer' comes from the myth of Ji Shing; a royal who lived in Kettel. It was said the clouds that rolled from the west over the Espanol Gulf and into Kettel were too great and too strong that the kingdom was wracked with terrible floods and storms. To stop these, Ji ordered that a wall be built, one brick at a time. Over time, in Ji Shing's lifetime, the wall was so fat and tall it looked like mountains. And with them in the way, the clouds could not roll over. But the few that did, got together and resolved to take recenge; they formed together and began the River Niluo. As more and more clouds rained, they caused the river to grow bigger and flooded harder, eventually destroying Ji Shing's palace; this is said to be where Niluo Bao now sits, but this is but a myth - no evidence suggests that Ji Shing really existed.  

The Kettelese Steppes

Bordering the Espanol Gulf on the west and separated from the rest of Kettel by the River Niluo, are the Kettelese Steppes. This area is savannah, with very few trees and instead open flatland and dry grassland. There is also a distinct lack of open rivers and wetland which is why the area is largely uninhabited with settlements, apart from those around the coast and the river Niluo. The area does not get snow in winter, instead it will see rainfall, but very little to support trees.  

The Palm Wetlands

The Palm Wetlands are on the eastern side of the Niluo River, and also sit between it and the eastern coast. The wetlands have more water running off the buffer into the area, yet it is often still dragged into the Niluo. However, it does manage to have savannah forests in locations near to the sources. It is an area known to be dangerous during the wet season, receiving flashfloods and forming quickmud and quicksand in the lower parts.  

The Snake's Jaw

The Snake's Jaw leads out into the Netherron Ocean and is made up of red rock plateaus that rise as it leads south. It's said that the Snake's Jaw was the original homeland to the lizardmen in Olivia, but this has since been reputed since the rediscovery of Eleanor. Temperatures rise and fall dramatically over this area and there are few settlements apart from those along the coast. The coastal settlements are strong in the sea trade.  


More humid than the rest of Kettel, the island of Aradea had red rocks slopes up to the northern faces of the island, with humid grassland littering the hills. The plateaus upon it make for good soil for plantations and it draws in sea trade from those passing between Valyea and Kettel.

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasons in Kettel, being close to the equator, are separated into two; the Wet and Dry season.   In the Wet season, the river Niluo rises in strength and floods the lands close to its banks. In other area, rivers and streams form in areas that don't normally see water.   In the Dry season, the water dries up in Kettel, and causes most plant life to hibernate. It is a strong period for animal life to appear.

Fauna & Flora

One of the most prominent lifeforms of Kettel are the Kettelese Beetles, large insectoid creatures that mostly inhabit the savannah. It was during the age of the Second Clans when they were tamed and used as livestock for travel and cargo transport. They are versatile, able to traverse the terrain of Kettel, last in its heat, and carry ten times an average man.


Before the first clans, the ancestors of the lizardmen and birdmen had not yet reached Olivia. Only in the age of the First Clans did the lizardmen migrate to Kettel and make their home in the Snake's Jaw.   Only in the age of Second Clans did humans and elves begin to migrate into the lands of Kettel, taking refuge along the coasts and recognising the importance of the Niluo River. The lizardmen were considered barbarians and so early discrimination caused the lizardmen to be ostracised within their lands. Several conflicts occurred in the south. It was during this time that the historic flooding and destruction of Niluo Bao occurred that has since become entrenched in myth.   In the age of the Third Clans, the Kettelese Queendom rose into strength, finding unity along the River Niluo. During this time, peacetimes were enacted with the lizardmen and the region saw growth and prosperity in the rise of agriculture and exported goods. Trade routes began to show promise across the Espanol Gulf and with towns and settlements along the coasts. Aradea also saw a growth in prosperity and strength, leading to an initial Kingdom being founded in these early times.   In the age of the Fourth Clans, we see the formation of the Valyean Empire that claimed Aradea in its early days. The Kette-Valye Conflict ended with Kettel being absorbed into the Empire and its profitable towns and cities providing money into the empire. Due to the nature of the cities and their independences, they very easily grew unmanaged and chaotic in their governance. Elections were eventually provided to establish city governors in the major cities and maintain strength during the Empire's decline. Eventually, with the separation of the Valyea from its Empire, Kettel was able to re-establish itself as an independent nation, reseating a Queen of Kettel, though still only holding a portion of its original lands.


  • The Region of Kettel
Location under
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species


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