World History

A brief world history of Glüm.

  • Circa 4000 BE
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Approximately 4000 BE (though no calendars or records were kept yet), Madam Midnight performs the Disjunction, splitting off Refrain and Sustain from Harmony, allowing the mortal species to tame their wild home and build permanent settlements. This event begins the slow decline of the Conclave of the Gelek Çeng, the only stable settled civilisation on Harmony at the time.

  • Circa 3500 BE
    Ihmisii–Fey Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    A group of Fey breach the wall between Refrain and Harmony, and meet with the Ihmisii hunter-gatherers, forming an alliance. They Fey bring with them heightened understanding of art, language, magic, and science, propelling the Ihmisii forward. The Ihmisii create the settlement that would later become Zhilisky as the centre of their civilisation.

  • Circa 3000 BE
    The Subterranean Revolution

    The Ihmisii civilisation expands, moving more into the region that would later become the Plains of Pesht, and begins building subterranean settlements with the aid of the Conclave of the Gelek Çeng. Äshagyda is built by the Upright Lord, and it is believed the great city of Pesht is built during this time as well.

  • Unknown; circa 3000–1000 BE
    The Ihmisii Decline

    At some point after the death of the Upright Lord, the citystates of the Ihmisii begin to decline, and the alliance with the Fey crumbles. During this period, Pesht appears to be removed from Harmony, though where it goes to is unknown.

  • 1319 BE

    26 /5

    Founding of Urra's Rest

    The settlement of Urra's Rest is founded on the site that Saint Urra Farwander dies after her trans-oceanic flight from the Furthest Shore.

  • 1163 BE

    1 /13
    1163 BE

    6 /13

    Foundation of the Vekhen Empire

    A great portal is opened in the centre of Syvat, bringing an army of Hobgoblins from Sustain, led by Emperor Iliya I Vekhen. After a lightning-quick military campaign, aided by terrible magic from House Vekhen, the petty kings of the Heartlands capitulated and the Vekhen Empire is founded.

  • 874 BE

    871 BE

    First Invasion of Gol-Kasha
    Military: War

    The Vekhen Empire invades the region of Gol-Kasha, defeating and displacing the Ihmisii people.

  • 871 BE

    8 /7

    Battle of the Bloody Gate
    Military: Battle

    The final battle of the first invasion of Gol-Kasha, resulting in a slaughter and rout of the Ihmisii from the region. Created the Battlefield of the Bloody Gate.

  • 871 BE

    21 /8

    Foundation of the Duchy of Gol-Kasha

    The Duchy of Gol-Kasha — though not called that for several more decades — is founded under Warden Albe, progenitor of House Albescu.

  • 317 BE

    252 BE

    Time of Turmoil
    Disaster / Destruction

    A period of political, social, religious, and economic turmoil in the Vekhen Empire that resulted in significant loss of territories, including Gol-Kasha and the Southern Stretches.

  • 259 BE

    3 /13

    Ascension of the Shadeless Lord
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Shadeless Lord — at this point known as Andrei II Albescu — is corronated Duke of the Duchy of Gol-Kasha in Oryova.

  • 98 BE

    94 BE

    Second Invasion of Gol-Kasha
    Military: War

    An attempt by Empress Penka IX Vekhen of the Vekhen Empire to re-establish control over the Duchy of Gol-Kasha via invasion. Ultimately ended in a withdrawal, as the local Aomeni guerrillas proved too dangerous, and the landscape proved too inhospitable. Saw the creation of Penka's Folly.

  • 0 BE

    19 /9

    The "Final Battle"
    Era beginning/end

    A cataclysmic battle between the armies of the Freefolk and the Dark Powers, prophecised to be the end of time. Resulted in a victory for the Freefolk, with the prophets being wrong.

  • 1 AE

    22 /3

    Opening of Penka's Folly

    Florin Fort-Escu purchases Penka's Folly and opens it in Sigur on behalf of the Scofflaws' Guild.

  • 1 AE

    8 /11
    1 AE

    9 /11

    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Beginning with a roiling storm of blood-red and rust-orange clouds billowing from the north on the 8th of High-Winter, the skies of Glüm appeared to "break" at midnight, moving into the 9th. Though the fractures have since dulled, they are still visible in the sky as thin cracks spreading out infinitely across the heavens. Thus far, there is no plausible explanation for them.