Judgement of Lord Emberswift Part 1: The Announcement Report in Golarion | World Anvil

Judgement of Lord Emberswift Part 1: The Announcement

General Summary

20 Desnus

Theo and Rib-bon talk to Sofra Crestwood and get her to leave the tavern with them. They head to Crestwood Estate after letting her know of the dangers to her life. On the way they learn of Lord Emberswift's arrest by The Eagle Knights and an announcement is to be made tomorrow. Once there at the estate they inform her of their plans to fake her assassination/kidnapping which she strongly refutes. Theo and Rib-bon decide to scrap the plan and see what happens tomorrow.    Doran Sonan and Valkyriy meanwhile work on translating.    The Arthfell Conquest translating: 3 hours    

21 Desnus

In the morning, Doran and Valkyriy head to The Grippli House to talk to Brillup. They ask her about her knowledge of the previous owner, Glir Devetsk, which they determined she was not being truthful in saying she did not know them. They then ask about getting a potion able to fake someone's death but the options she had were either out of their price range, wouldn't last long enough, or take too long to develop. They then decide to leave and briefly discuss their options. They then see that the crowd is moving quickly towards a direction in the University district and follow to see what is happening.    Meanwhile, Theo and Rib-bon meet other members of The Crestwoods including Kethor Crestwood and Eryen Crestwood. Theo promises to spar with Kethor at some point. Theo and Rib-bon then head over to The Golden Aerie with Sofra after some small talk with the family.   At The Golden Aerie, a large crowd is gathering. Doran and Valkriry push/maneuver their way up front and see the other members of the party. They decide to keep their distance for now. Bells sound signaling for everyone in the crowd to quiet down. Piersym Agell appears making a announcement that General Traxxus has declared Lord Emberswift a traitor to the state for the crimes of attempting to assassinate a fellow member of The People's Council. He is hence forth stripped of all powers, property, titles, and is sentenced to death in the morning of the next Moonday.   The group meets back up giving up on their faking an assassination/kidnapping plan. Everyone heads back to The Crestwood Estate to discuss in private. Valkriry was able to see multiple hidden doors in the manor while here and had Sofra open the one in the dining room they were in to check for spies. Here they discussed their next plan of action settling on splitting up. Rib-bon will go do a preliminary check of The Emberswift Estate using a spell. Valkriry will go talk to the servants of Emberswift. Theo and Doran meanwhile are heading to the academy to do a spar with Kethor.    Valkriry also managed to negotiate their pay to be 1800 gp for solving the assassination mystery, 1300 if not solved in time for Lord Emberswift's execution.

Rewards Granted

Level 4

Created Content

Gregory the butler
Doran Sonan is an ancestor of The Crestwoods and was there in a past life for the building of the estate.
Author: KazutoDM
Report Date
11 Feb 2021
Primary Location
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